Dependency-Check is an open source tool performing a best effort analysis of 3rd party dependencies; false positives and false negatives may exist in the analysis performed by the tool. Use of the tool and the reporting provided constitutes acceptance for use in an AS IS condition, and there are NO warranties, implied or otherwise, with regard to the analysis or its use. Any use of the tool and the reporting provided is at the user’s risk. In no event shall the copyright holder or OWASP be held liable for any damages whatsoever arising out of or in connection with the use of this tool, the analysis performed, or the resulting report.

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Project: eXo PLF:: Commons - Component GIF plugin backport


Scan Information (show all):

Display: Showing Vulnerable Dependencies (click to show all)

Dependency CPE Coordinates Highest Severity CVE Count CPE Confidence Evidence Count
mime-util-2.1.3.jar cpe:/a:mime_project:mime:2.1.3 eu.medsea.mimeutil:mime-util:2.1.3    0 Low 30
jakarta-regexp-1.4.jar jakarta-regexp:jakarta-regexp:1.4    0 14
xpp3-1.1.6.jar org.ogce:xpp3:1.1.6    0 24
jcl-over-slf4j-1.7.18.jar org.slf4j:jcl-over-slf4j:1.7.18    0 31
slf4j-api-1.7.18.jar org.slf4j:slf4j-api:1.7.18    0 31
exo.kernel.commons-6.0.x-SNAPSHOT.jar org.exoplatform.kernel:exo.kernel.commons:6.0.x-SNAPSHOT   0 24



Description: mime-util is a simple to use, small, light weight and fast open source java utility library that can detect MIME types from files, input streams, URL's and byte arrays. Due to the use of regular expressions and the java.nio packages it requires at least Java 1.4.


The Apache Software License, Version 2.0:
File Path: /home/ciagent/.m2/repository/eu/medsea/mimeutil/mime-util/2.1.3/mime-util-2.1.3.jar
MD5: 3d4f3e1a96eb79683197f1c8b182f4a6
SHA1: 0c9cfae15c74f62491d4f28def0dff1dabe52a47
Referenced In Project/Scope: eXo PLF:: Commons - Component GIF plugin backport:compile



File Path: /home/ciagent/.m2/repository/jakarta-regexp/jakarta-regexp/1.4/jakarta-regexp-1.4.jar
MD5: 5d8b8c601c21b37aa6142d38f45c0297
SHA1: 0ea514a179ac1dd7e81c7e6594468b9b9910d298
Referenced In Project/Scope: eXo PLF:: Commons - Component GIF plugin backport:compile



Description: XML Pull parser library developed by Extreme Computing Lab, Indiana University


The Apache Software License, Version 2.0:
File Path: /home/ciagent/.m2/repository/org/ogce/xpp3/1.1.6/xpp3-1.1.6.jar
MD5: 626a429318310e92e3466151e050bdc5
SHA1: dc87e00ddb69341b46a3eb1c331c6fcebf6c8546
Referenced In Project/Scope: eXo PLF:: Commons - Component GIF plugin backport:compile



Description: JCL 1.1.1 implemented over SLF4J

File Path: /home/ciagent/.m2/repository/org/slf4j/jcl-over-slf4j/1.7.18/jcl-over-slf4j-1.7.18.jar
MD5: 86c8f80da62e4640564effb9dff7e003
SHA1: eca71be00af2579564e9f3a23ce0b245ca79ee5d
Referenced In Project/Scope: eXo PLF:: Commons - Component GIF plugin backport:compile



Description: The slf4j API

File Path: /home/ciagent/.m2/repository/org/slf4j/slf4j-api/1.7.18/slf4j-api-1.7.18.jar
MD5: 1b1d1af21206ac5ae44cd79a6c04dd92
SHA1: b631d286463ced7cc42ee2171fe3beaed2836823
Referenced In Project/Scope: eXo PLF:: Commons - Component GIF plugin backport:compile



Description: Implementation of Commons Utils of Exoplatform SAS 'eXo Kernel' project.

File Path: /home/ciagent/.m2/repository/org/exoplatform/kernel/exo.kernel.commons/6.0.x-SNAPSHOT/exo.kernel.commons-6.0.x-SNAPSHOT.jar
MD5: 5c3577b09853d32650dda0412414cb4f
SHA1: 54663dc1cf7b231bc574a3388a1f817875dec4e0
Referenced In Project/Scope: eXo PLF:: Commons - Component GIF plugin backport:compile


  • maven: org.exoplatform.kernel:exo.kernel.commons:6.0.x-SNAPSHOT   Confidence:High

This report contains data retrieved from the National Vulnerability Database.
This report may contain data retrieved from the Node Security Platform.