[Summary] [Package List] [Test Cases]
Tests | Errors | Failures | Skipped | Success Rate | Time |
93 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 54.574 |
Note: failures are anticipated and checked for with assertions while errors are unanticipated.
[Summary] [Package List] [Test Cases]
Package | Tests | Errors | Failures | Skipped | Success Rate | Time |
org.exoplatform.mobile.tests | 93 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 54.574 |
Note: package statistics are not computed recursively, they only sum up all of its testsuites numbers.
Class | Tests | Errors | Failures | Skipped | Success Rate | Time | |
WelcomeActivityTest | 6 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 16.543 | |
LoginActivityTest | 8 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 3.645 | |
SignInOnPremiseActivityTest | 7 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 2.256 | |
LaunchActivityTest | 16 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.722 | |
SettingsActivityTest | 9 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 3.452 | |
HomeActivityTest | 11 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 8.66 | |
ServerEditionActivityTest | 9 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 10.748 | |
AccountSwitcherTest | 5 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 8.334 | |
ExoUtilsTest | 13 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.134 | |
ExoAccountInfoValidationTest | 8 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.064 | |
ExoDocumentUtilsTest | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.016 |
[Summary] [Package List] [Test Cases]
verifyDefaultLayout | 15.114 | |
shouldRedirectToSignInScreen | 0.299 | |
shouldRedirectToSignUpScreen | 0.309 | |
shouldRedirectToLoginScreen | 0.339 | |
shouldSaveInstanceState | 0.246 | |
shoudRetrieveInstanceState | 0.236 |
verifyDefaultLayout | 0.903 | |
shouldDisplayPanelWhenTappingButton | 0.38 | |
shouldDisplaySwitchIconWhenAddingSecondAccount | 0.346 | |
shouldActivateLoginButtonWhenUsernamePasswordAreTyped | 0.257 | |
shouldAppendAccountNameToLoginButtonLabel | 0.689 | |
shouldPopulateServerAndUsernameWhenStartingFromUrl | 0.325 | |
shouldSetUsernamePasswordInTextfieldsWhenRememberMeIsOn | 0.398 | |
shouldSetNothingInTextfieldsWhenRememberMeIsOff | 0.347 |
verifyDefaultLayout | 0.223 | |
shouldEnableLoginButton | 0.208 | |
shouldRedirectToHomeAfterSuccessfulLogin | 0.717 | |
shouldFailToLoginWithIncorrectURL | 0.223 | |
shouldFailToLoginWithIncorrectUsernameAndPassword | 0.244 | |
shouldAcceptURLWithHTTPS | 0.298 | |
shouldAcceptURLWithNoProtocol | 0.343 |
shouldDetectNotSupportedLanguageAndConfigureAppInEnglish | 0.139 | |
shouldSetLanguagePref_FR | 0.039 | |
shouldSetLanguagePref_DE | 0.055 | |
shouldSetLanguagePref_ES | 0.045 | |
shouldSetLanguagePref_JA | 0.039 | |
shouldSetLanguagePref_FR_FR | 0.038 | |
shouldSetLanguagePref_FR_BE | 0.037 | |
shouldSetLanguagePref_None | 0.038 | |
shouldRedirectToLoginScreen | 0.043 | |
shouldRedirectToWelcomeScreen | 0.037 | |
shouldKeepSavedLanguage | 0.036 | |
shouldDetectAndConfigureAppInFrench | 0.037 | |
shouldDetectAndConfigureAppInSpanish | 0.035 | |
shouldDetectAndConfigureAppInGerman | 0.035 | |
shouldDetectAndConfigureAppInEnglish | 0.034 | |
shouldSetLanguagePref_EN | 0.035 |
verifyDefaultLayout_Online | 0.44 | |
verifyDefaultLayout_Offline | 0.417 | |
shouldTurnOnRememberMe | 0.371 | |
shouldEnableAutoLoginWhenTurningOnRememberMe | 0.363 | |
shouldTurnOnAutoLogin | 0.371 | |
shouldTurnOffAndDisableAutoLoginWhenTurningOffRememberMe | 0.386 | |
shouldStartExoCloudSignupAssistant | 0.349 | |
shouldChangeLanguage | 0.413 | |
shouldEnableAccountInServerList | 0.342 |
shouldOpenNewsActivity | 2.266 | |
shouldOpenNewsActivityFromFlipper | 0.216 | |
shouldOpenDocumentsActivity | 0.203 | |
shouldOpenDashboardActivity | 0.208 | |
shouldSignOutAndOpenLoginActivity | 0.811 | |
shouldNotHaveAccountSwitcherButtonWithOneAccount | 0.952 | |
shouldHaveAccountSwitcherButtonWithTwoAndMoreAccounts | 1.183 | |
shouldOpenAccountSwitcherActivity | 1.184 | |
shouldDisableAutoLoginOnAccountWhenSigningOut | 1.24 | |
shouldNotDisableAutoLoginWhenBackButtonPressed | 0.194 | |
verifyDefaultLayout | 0.203 |
verifyDefaultLayoutWithLimitedEdit | 2.041 | |
verifyEditOneAccount | 1.152 | |
verifyDeleteOneAccount | 1.231 | |
verifyEditAccountFailsWithIncorrectAccountName | 1.103 | |
verifyEditAccountFailsWithIncorrectAccountServer | 0.568 | |
verifyEditAccountFailsWithForbiddenAccountServer | 0.869 | |
verifyEditAccountFailsWithIncorrectAccountUserName | 0.657 | |
verifyAccountIsSelectedWhenOnlyOneRemainsAfterDelete | 2.068 | |
verifyDefaultLayout | 1.059 |
shouldDismissFragmentAndActivityWhenCurrentAccountIsSelected | 0.656 | |
shouldSignOutCurrentAccountAndSignInSelectedAccount | 2.642 | |
shouldDisableAutoLoginWhenLeavingAccount | 2.386 | |
shouldSignOutAndRedirectToLoginScreenWhenSwitchingFails | 1.689 | |
verifyDefaultLayout | 0.961 |
testUrlValidationFailed | 0.019 | |
testUrlValidationPassed | 0.012 | |
testStripUrl | 0.013 | |
testAccountNameValidationFailed | 0.011 | |
testAccountNameValidationPassed | 0.01 | |
testAccountUsernameValidationFailed | 0.011 | |
testAccountUsernameValidationPassed | 0.011 | |
testEmailValidationFailed | 0.01 | |
testEmailValidationPassed | 0.011 | |
testForbiddenUrls | 0.007 | |
testAccountNameFromUrlExtraction | 0.007 | |
testIpAddressCheck | 0.006 | |
testCapitalizeString | 0.006 |
testForbiddenTenantNames | 0.01 | |
testShouldValidateCorrectEmails | 0.006 | |
testShouldNotValidateIncorrectEmailsAndNull | 0.006 | |
testShouldValidateCorrectURLs | 0.007 | |
testShouldNotValidateIncorrectURLsAndNull | 0.009 | |
testShouldStripCorrectURLs | 0.011 | |
testAccountsAreEqual | 0.007 | |
testAccountsAreNotEqual | 0.008 |