View Javadoc
1   package;
3   import;
4   import;
5   import;
6   import;
7   import java.util.Date;
8   import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
9   import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
10  import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
12  import;
14  import org.exoplatform.commons.file.model.FileItem;
15  import org.exoplatform.commons.file.resource.BinaryProvider;
16  import org.exoplatform.commons.testing.BaseExoTestCase;
17  import org.exoplatform.component.test.ConfigurationUnit;
18  import org.exoplatform.component.test.ConfiguredBy;
19  import org.exoplatform.component.test.ContainerScope;
21  /**
22   * TODO do not use BaseExoTestCase to not be stuck with Junit 3
23   */
24  @ConfiguredBy({ @ConfigurationUnit(scope = ContainerScope.PORTAL, path = "conf/portal/files-configuration.xml"),
25      @ConfigurationUnit(scope = ContainerScope.PORTAL, path = "conf/standalone/test-configuration.xml") })
26  public class FileServiceImplIntegrationTest extends BaseExoTestCase {
28    private ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(3);
30    private AtomicInteger   counter         = new AtomicInteger(0);
32    protected void setUp() throws IOException {
33      begin();
34    }
36    protected void tearDown() {
37      end();
38    }
40    public void testShouldReturnFile() throws Exception {
41      FileService fileService = getContainer().getComponentInstanceOfType(FileService.class);
42      FileItem createdFile = fileService.writeFile(new FileItem(null,
43                                                                "file1",
44                                                                "plain/text",
45                                                                null,
46                                                                1,
47                                                                new Date(),
48                                                                "john",
49                                                                false,
50                                                                new ByteArrayInputStream("test".getBytes())));
51      FileItem fetchedFile = fileService.getFile(createdFile.getFileInfo().getId());
52      assertNotNull(fetchedFile);
53      assertEquals("file1", fetchedFile.getFileInfo().getName());
54      assertEquals("plain/text", fetchedFile.getFileInfo().getMimetype());
55      assertEquals("john", fetchedFile.getFileInfo().getUpdater());
56      assertEquals(false, fetchedFile.getFileInfo().isDeleted());
57      assertEquals(1, fetchedFile.getFileInfo().getSize());
58      assertEquals("file", fetchedFile.getFileInfo().getNameSpace());
59      InputStream fileStream = fetchedFile.getAsStream();
60      assertNotNull(fileStream);
61      assertEquals("test", IOUtils.toString(fileStream));
62    }
64    public void testUpdateFile() throws Exception {
65      FileService fileService = getContainer().getComponentInstanceOfType(FileService.class);
66      FileItem createdFile = fileService.writeFile(new FileItem(null,
67                                                                "file1",
68                                                                "plain/text",
69                                                                "file",
70                                                                1,
71                                                                new Date(),
72                                                                "john",
73                                                                false,
74                                                                new ByteArrayInputStream("test".getBytes())));
75      FileItem fetchedFile = fileService.getFile(createdFile.getFileInfo().getId());
76      assertNotNull(fetchedFile);
78      FileItem updatedSameFile = fileService.updateFile(new FileItem(fetchedFile.getFileInfo().getId(),
79                                                                     "file1",
80                                                                     "plain/text",
81                                                                     "file",
82                                                                     1,
83                                                                     new Date(),
84                                                                     "john",
85                                                                     false,
86                                                                     new ByteArrayInputStream("test".getBytes())));
87      assertNotNull(updatedSameFile);
88      assertEquals(fetchedFile.getFileInfo().getChecksum(), updatedSameFile.getFileInfo().getChecksum());
90      FileItem updatedNewFile =
91                              fileService.updateFile(new FileItem(fetchedFile.getFileInfo().getId(),
92                                                                  "file1",
93                                                                  "plain/text",
94                                                                  "file",
95                                                                  1,
96                                                                  new Date(),
97                                                                  "john",
98                                                                  false,
99                                                                  new ByteArrayInputStream("New test".getBytes())));
100     assertNotNull(updatedNewFile);
101     assertNotSame(fetchedFile.getFileInfo().getChecksum(), updatedNewFile.getFileInfo().getChecksum());
102   }
104   public void testConcurrentAddFile() throws Exception {
105     FileService fileService = getContainer().getComponentInstanceOfType(FileService.class);
106     BinaryProvider binaryProvider = getContainer().getComponentInstanceOfType(BinaryProvider.class);
107     String text = "Concurrent add test" + System.currentTimeMillis();
108     FileItem fileItem = fileService.writeFile(new FileItem(null,
109                                                            "file1",
110                                                            "plain/text",
111                                                            "file",
112                                                            1,
113                                                            new Date(),
114                                                            "john",
115                                                            false,
116                                                            new ByteArrayInputStream(text.getBytes())));
117     for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
118       executorService.execute(new Runnable() {
119         @Override
120         public void run() {
121           try {
122             fileService.writeFile(new FileItem(null,
123                                                "file1",
124                                                "plain/text",
125                                                "file",
126                                                1,
127                                                new Date(),
128                                                "john",
129                                                false,
130                                                new ByteArrayInputStream(text.getBytes())));
131           } catch (Exception e) {
132             fail("Error while adding File: " + e.getMessage());
133           } finally {
134             counter.incrementAndGet();
135           }
136         }
137       });
138     }
139     do {
140       Thread.sleep(100);
141     } while (counter.get() < 10);
143     File file = new File(binaryProvider.getFilePath(fileItem.getFileInfo().getChecksum()));
144     assertEquals(1, file.getParentFile().list().length);
145   }
147   public void testConcurrentUpdateFile() throws Exception {
148     FileService fileService = getContainer().getComponentInstanceOfType(FileService.class);
149     BinaryProvider binaryProvider = getContainer().getComponentInstanceOfType(BinaryProvider.class);
150     String text = "Concurrent update test" + System.currentTimeMillis();
151     FileItem fileItem = fileService.writeFile(new FileItem(null,
152                                                            "file1",
153                                                            "plain/text",
154                                                            "file",
155                                                            1,
156                                                            new Date(),
157                                                            "john",
158                                                            false,
159                                                            new ByteArrayInputStream(text.getBytes())));
160     for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
161       executorService.execute(new Runnable() {
162         @Override
163         public void run() {
164           try {
165             fileService.updateFile(new FileItem(fileItem.getFileInfo().getId(),
166                                                 "file1",
167                                                 "plain/text",
168                                                 "file",
169                                                 1,
170                                                 new Date(),
171                                                 "john",
172                                                 false,
173                                                 new ByteArrayInputStream(text.getBytes())));
174           } catch (Exception e) {
175             fail("Error while adding File: " + e.getMessage());
176           } finally {
177             counter.incrementAndGet();
178           }
179         }
180       });
181     }
182     do {
183       Thread.sleep(100);
184     } while (counter.get() < 10);
186     File file = new File(binaryProvider.getFilePath(fileItem.getFileInfo().getChecksum()));
187     assertEquals(1, file.getParentFile().list().length);
188   }
189 }