A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W X Y _ 


About - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
AboutADayAgo - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
AboutAMinuteAgo - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
AboutAMonthAgo - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
AboutAnHourAgo - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
accent_1 - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.color
Account - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
account_avatar_imageview - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
account_connection_status_textview - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
account_creation_panel - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.layout
account_list_avatar_size - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.dimen
account_list_view - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
ACCOUNT_NAME - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.ui.login.LoginProxy
account_name_textview - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
ACCOUNT_PANEL - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.ui.login.LoginActivity
account_server_textview - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
ACCOUNT_SETTING - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConstants
Account setting
account_switcher_activity - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.layout
account_switcher_fragment - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.layout
account_switcher_item_layout - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.layout
account_switcher_signin_btn - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
account_switcher_signin_fragment - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.layout
account_switcher_signin_pass_edit_txt - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
account_switcher_signin_pass_txt - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
account_switcher_signin_user_edit_txt - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
account_switcher_signin_user_txt - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
account_user_fullname_textview - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
account_username_textview - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
AccountExists - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
AccountFragmentTitleStyle - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.style
Account Switcher styles
AccountListAdapter - Class in org.exoplatform.accountswitcher
Created by The eXo Platform SAS Author : Philippe Aristote paristote@exoplatform.com Sep 3, 2014
AccountListAdapter(Context) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.accountswitcher.AccountListAdapter
AccountListBackgroundColor - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.color
AccountListFragmentMarginLeftRight - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.dimen
AccountListFragmentMarginTopBottom - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.dimen
AccountListItemBodyConnectionStatusStyle - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.style
AccountListItemBodyFullnameStyle - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.style
AccountListItemBodyStyle - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.style
AccountListItemBodyUsernameStyle - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.style
AccountListItemHeaderColor - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.color
AccountListItemHeaderNameStyle - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.style
AccountListItemHeaderServerStyle - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.style
AccountListItemHeaderStyle - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.style
AccountListItemTextBigSize - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.dimen
Account Switcher Account Switcher
AccountListItemTextSmallSize - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.dimen
accountName - Variable in class org.exoplatform.model.ExoAccount
Describe the server; if nothing specified, use authority of url
AccountNameInvalid - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
AccountPanel - Class in org.exoplatform.ui.login
Represents the account panel in login screen that contains 2 edit input and a login button
AccountPanel(Context) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.ui.login.AccountPanel
AccountPanel(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.ui.login.AccountPanel
AccountPanel.ViewListener - Interface in org.exoplatform.ui.login
AccountPasswordInvalid - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
ACCOUNTS_FRAGMENT - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.shareextension.AccountsFragment
AccountServerForbidden - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
AccountServerInvalid - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
AccountSetting - Class in org.exoplatform.singleton
Represents as temporary instance of SharedPref, which is used to manage all the account information Changes in account setting will be populated to SharedPref only when user logs in successfully or launching app using custom URL scheme
AccountsFragment - Class in org.exoplatform.shareextension
Created by The eXo Platform SAS
AccountsFragment() - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.shareextension.AccountsFragment
AccountSwitcherActivity - Class in org.exoplatform.accountswitcher
Created by The eXo Platform SAS Author : Philippe Aristote paristote@exoplatform.com Sep 3, 2014
AccountSwitcherActivity() - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.accountswitcher.AccountSwitcherActivity
AccountSwitcherFragment - Class in org.exoplatform.accountswitcher
Created by The eXo Platform SAS Author : Philippe Aristote paristote@exoplatform.com Sep 3, 2014
AccountSwitcherFragment() - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.accountswitcher.AccountSwitcherFragment
AccountSwitcherProxy - Class in org.exoplatform.accountswitcher
Created by The eXo Platform SAS Author : Philippe Aristote paristote@exoplatform.com Sep 10, 2014
AccountSwitcherProxy(Context, AccountSwitcherProxy.AccountSwitcherListener, boolean) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.accountswitcher.AccountSwitcherProxy
AccountSwitcherProxy.AccountSwitcherListener - Interface in org.exoplatform.accountswitcher
An object that is listening to events sent by the Account Switcher Proxy.
AccountSwitcherSignInButtonStyle - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.style
AccountUsernameInvalid - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
Action - Class in org.exoplatform.shareextension.service
Created by The eXo Platform SAS
Action() - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.shareextension.service.Action
Action.ActionListener - Interface in org.exoplatform.shareextension.service
ACTION_ADD_PHOTO - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.ui.DocumentActivity
action_bar_background - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
action_bar_background_repeate - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
action_bar_export - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
action_bar_icon_compose - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
action_bar_icon_home - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
action_bar_icon_photo - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
action_bar_icon_refresh - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
action_bar_item_background - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
action_bar_item_shape - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
action_bar_loading_indicator - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
action_bar_loading_indicator - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.layout
action_bar_locate - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
action_bar_logout_button - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
action_bar_refresh - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
action_bar_separator_complete - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
action_bar_switcher_icon - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
action_bar_tint - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.color
action_bar_view_info - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
ACTION_COPY - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.ui.DocumentActivity
ACTION_CREATE - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.ui.DocumentActivity
ACTION_DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.ui.DocumentActivity
ACTION_DELETE - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.ui.DocumentActivity
ACTION_MOVE - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.ui.DocumentActivity
ACTION_OPEN_IN - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.ui.DocumentActivity
ACTION_PASTE - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.ui.DocumentActivity
ACTION_RENAME - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.ui.DocumentActivity
actionbar_icon_dodument - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
actionbaraddbutton - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
ActionBarTitleStyle - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.style
actionName - Variable in class org.exoplatform.model.DocumentActionDescription
activity_comment_view - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
ACTIVITY_CURRENT_POSITION - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConstants
activity_detail - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.menu
ACTIVITY_DETAIL_EXTRA - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConstants
activity_detail_like_button - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
activity_detail_like_button_selected - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
activity_detail_like_row - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
activity_detail_likers_bg - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
activity_detail_likers_bg_selected - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
activity_detail_more_likers - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
activity_dislike_button_background_shape - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
activity_display_comment_wrap - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
activity_display_view - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.layout
ACTIVITY_ID_EXTRA - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConstants
activity_image_display_layout - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.layout
activity_image_type - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
activity_like_button_background_shape - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
ACTIVITY_ORGANIZATION - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConstants
ACTIVITY_PORT - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConstants
ACTIVITY_PORTAL_CONTAINER - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConstants
ACTIVITY_REST_CONTEXT - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConstants
ACTIVITY_REST_VERSION - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConstants
activity_stream - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.menu
activity_stream_wrap - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
activity_type_answer - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
ACTIVITY_TYPE_ANSWER - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.SocialActivityUtil
activity_type_calendar - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
ACTIVITY_TYPE_CALENDAR - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.SocialActivityUtil
activity_type_connection - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
ACTIVITY_TYPE_CONTENT - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.SocialActivityUtil
ACTIVITY_TYPE_DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.SocialActivityUtil
ACTIVITY_TYPE_DOC - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.SocialActivityUtil
activity_type_document - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
activity_type_forum - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
ACTIVITY_TYPE_FORUM - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.SocialActivityUtil
activity_type_link - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
ACTIVITY_TYPE_LINK - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.SocialActivityUtil
activity_type_normal - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
ACTIVITY_TYPE_NORMAL - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.SocialActivityUtil
ACTIVITY_TYPE_PEOPLE - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.SocialActivityUtil
ACTIVITY_TYPE_RELATIONSHIP - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.SocialActivityUtil
ACTIVITY_TYPE_SPACE - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.SocialActivityUtil
activity_type_wiki - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
ACTIVITY_TYPE_WIKI - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.SocialActivityUtil
activitybrowserview - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.layout
activitybrowserviewcell - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.layout
ActivityDetail - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
activitydisplayviewcell - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.layout
activityheadersection - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.layout
activityService - Variable in class org.exoplatform.controller.home.SocialLoadTask
activityService - Variable in class org.exoplatform.singleton.SocialServiceHelper
ActivityStream - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
ActivityStreamFragment - Class in org.exoplatform.ui.social
ActivityStreamFragment() - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.ui.social.ActivityStreamFragment
activityType - Variable in class org.exoplatform.model.SocialPostInfo
actNumbers - Variable in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.ActivityStreamFragment
add_photo_cancel_button - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
add_photo_dialog_layout - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.layout
add_photo_dialog_title_view - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
add_photo_library_button - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
add_photo_take_button - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
AddAPhoto - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
AddAServer - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
AddedAnEvent - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
AddedATask - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
addImageToMessage(File) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.ComposeMessageActivity
addition_layout - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
addLifeCycleObserverRef(BaseActivity.BasicActivityLifecycleCallbacks) - Method in class org.exoplatform.base.BaseActivity
addOrRemoveFileActionButton() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.DocumentActivity
AddPhotoDialog - Class in org.exoplatform.widget
AddPhotoDialog(Activity, DocumentActionDialog) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.widget.AddPhotoDialog
AddPhotoDialog(Activity, ComposeMessageController) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.widget.AddPhotoDialog
addTarget(Target) - Method in class org.exoplatform.widget.PicassoTextView
addTemplateParam(String, String) - Method in class org.exoplatform.model.SocialPostInfo
Set the template param with the given name and value.
Create a new Map if necessary.
alertNeedStoragePermission(Context) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.PhotoUtils
ALL_AUDIO_TYPE - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoDocumentUtils
ALL_IMAGE_TYPE - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoDocumentUtils
ALL_TEXT_TYPE - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoDocumentUtils
ALL_UPDATES - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.SocialTabsActivity
all_updates_listview - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
ALL_VIDEO_TYPE - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoDocumentUtils
ALLOWED_ACCOUNT_NAME_CHARSET - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConstants
Allowed in account name : alphanumeric chars and spaces
ALLOWED_ACCOUNT_USERNAME_CHARSET - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConstants
Allowed in account username : alphanumeric chars, underscore (_), hyphen (-), dot (.) and plus (+)
AllUpdatesFragment - Class in org.exoplatform.ui.social
Created by The eXo Platform SAS Author : eXoPlatform exo@exoplatform.com Jul 23, 2012
AllUpdatesFragment() - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.ui.social.AllUpdatesFragment
AllUpdatesFragment.AllUpdateLoadTask - Class in org.exoplatform.ui.social
AllUpdatesFragment.AllUpdateLoadTask(Context, MenuItem) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.ui.social.AllUpdatesFragment.AllUpdateLoadTask
And - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
androiddeletedbuttonbg - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
androiddeletedbuttonbg_selected - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
androidokbuttonbg - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
androidokbuttonbg_selected - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
anim_left_to_right - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.anim
anim_right_to_left - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.anim
anim_right_to_left_reverse - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.anim
Animations - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.style
Animations_Window - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.style
Anytime - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
Anywhere - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
application_icon - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
ApplicationInformation - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
ApplicationVersion - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
areAllItemsEnabled() - Method in class org.exoplatform.widget.SectionListAdapter
ARG_PAGE - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.ui.ScreenSlidePageFragment
The argument key for the page number this fragment represents.
arrayAdapter - Variable in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.ActivityStreamFragment
arrow - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
AssetUtils - Class in org.exoplatform.utils
manage assets: typeface
AssetUtils() - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.utils.AssetUtils
attached_image_stub_activity - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
attached_image_stub_inflate - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
attached_image_view - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
AttachedPhoto - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
attachment_max_height - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.dimen
attachStubView - Variable in class org.exoplatform.widget.StandardArrayAdapter.ViewHolder
AUDIO_TYPE - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoDocumentUtils
authenticate_button_bg_strechable - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
authenticate_button_bg_strechable_selected - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
authenticate_checkmark_off - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
authenticate_checkmark_on - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
authenticate_credentials_icon_off - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
authenticate_credentials_icon_on - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
authenticate_logo - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
authenticate_panel_bg - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
authenticate_server_cell_bg_normal - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
authenticate_server_listview_item - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
authenticate_switcher_icon_off - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
authenticate_switcher_icon_on - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
authenticate_textfied_background - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
authenticatepanelbuttonbgoff - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
authenticatepanelbuttonbgon - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
authenticateserversiconiphoneoff - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
authenticateserversiconiphoneon - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
Autologin - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
AVATAR_DEFAULT_SIZE - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConstants
avatarUrl - Variable in class org.exoplatform.model.ExoAccount
avatarUrl - Variable in class org.exoplatform.model.SocialSpaceInfo


background_color - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.style
Base64 - Class in org.exoplatform.utils
Encodes and decodes to and from Base64 notation.
Base64.InputStream - Class in org.exoplatform.utils
A Base64.InputStream will read data from another java.io.InputStream, given in the constructor, and encode/decode to/from Base64 notation on the fly.
Base64.InputStream(InputStream) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.utils.Base64.InputStream
Constructs a Base64.InputStream in DECODE mode.
Base64.InputStream(InputStream, int) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.utils.Base64.InputStream
Constructs a Base64.InputStream in either ENCODE or DECODE mode.
Base64.OutputStream - Class in org.exoplatform.utils
A Base64.OutputStream will write data to another java.io.OutputStream, given in the constructor, and encode/decode to/from Base64 notation on the fly.
Base64.OutputStream(OutputStream) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.utils.Base64.OutputStream
Constructs a Base64.OutputStream in ENCODE mode.
Base64.OutputStream(OutputStream, int) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.utils.Base64.OutputStream
Constructs a Base64.OutputStream in either ENCODE or DECODE mode.
BaseActivity - Class in org.exoplatform.base
Created by The eXo Platform SAS Author : MinhTDH MinhTDH@exoplatform.com Jul 20, 2015
BaseActivity() - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.base.BaseActivity
BaseActivity.ActivityLifecycleCallbacks - Interface in org.exoplatform.base
same purpose with ActivityLifecycleCallbacks in API 14, but only interested in onPaused and onResume.
BaseActivity.BasicActivityLifecycleCallbacks - Class in org.exoplatform.base
BaseActivity.BasicActivityLifecycleCallbacks() - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.base.BaseActivity.BasicActivityLifecycleCallbacks
bg_number - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
bg_rect_rounded_corner - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
bg_tab - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
bg_texture - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
black_separator - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
BRAZIL_LOCALIZATION - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConstants
btn_black_half - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
btn_blue - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
btn_blue_half - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
btn_blue_stretchable - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
btn_blue_stretchable_light - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
btn_white - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
BuildConfig - Class in org.exoplatform
BuildConfig() - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.BuildConfig
buildTemplateParams(ShareService.UploadInfo) - Method in class org.exoplatform.model.SocialPostInfo
Create TemplateParams for a DOC_ACTIVITY
button_Comment - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
Button_Delete_Cancel - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
Button_FileAction - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
button_Like - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
Button_Login - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
Button_OK - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
BUTTON_TYPE_INVISIBLE - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.shareextension.ShareActivity
BUTTON_TYPE_SHARE - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.shareextension.ShareActivity
BUTTON_TYPE_SIGNIN - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.shareextension.ShareActivity
buttonComment - Variable in class org.exoplatform.widget.SocialActivityDetailsItem
buttonComment - Variable in class org.exoplatform.widget.StandardArrayAdapter.ViewHolder
buttonLike - Variable in class org.exoplatform.widget.StandardArrayAdapter.ViewHolder


CalendarDescription - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
CalendarEnd - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
CalendarLocation - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
CalendarStart - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
Cancel - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
cancel_button_background_shape - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
CannotEditServer - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
CannotLoadMoreActivities - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
CannotOpenFile - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
canRemove - Variable in class org.exoplatform.model.ExoFile
Whether this file can be deleted, renamed
capitalize(String) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoUtils
Capitalizes the 1st character of the given string
card_flip_time_full - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.integer
card_flip_time_half - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.integer
cell_file_action_shape_down - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
cell_file_action_shape_normal - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
centered - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.attr
Must be a boolean value, either "true" or "false".
changeLanguage(boolean) - Method in class org.exoplatform.controller.document.DocumentActionAdapter
check() - Method in class org.exoplatform.shareextension.service.Action
check() - Method in class org.exoplatform.shareextension.service.CreateFolderAction
check() - Method in class org.exoplatform.shareextension.service.UploadAction
CheckAccountExistsTask - Class in org.exoplatform.ui.login.tasks
Created by The eXo Platform SAS Author : Philippe Aristote paristote@exoplatform.com Jun 25, 2014
CheckAccountExistsTask() - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.ui.login.tasks.CheckAccountExistsTask
CheckAccountExistsTask.AsyncTaskListener - Interface in org.exoplatform.ui.login.tasks
CheckBox - Class in org.exoplatform.ui.setting
A checkbox that has a text and a image
The checkbox will change state when being clicked upon
It can be disabled, in that case, it will not be clicked
CheckBox(Context, AttributeSet, int) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.ui.setting.CheckBox
CheckBox(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.ui.setting.CheckBox
CheckBox(Context) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.ui.setting.CheckBox
CheckBox.ViewListener - Interface in org.exoplatform.ui.setting
checkbox_head_img - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
checkbox_img - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
checkbox_txt - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
CheckBoxWithImage - Class in org.exoplatform.ui.setting
A check contains a head image
CheckBoxWithImage(Context, AttributeSet, int) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.ui.setting.CheckBoxWithImage
CheckBoxWithImage(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.ui.setting.CheckBoxWithImage
CheckBoxWithImage(Context) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.ui.setting.CheckBoxWithImage
CheckingTenantStatusTask - Class in org.exoplatform.ui.login.tasks
Task performing checking status of tenant
CheckingTenantStatusTask() - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.ui.login.tasks.CheckingTenantStatusTask
CheckingTenantStatusTask.AsyncTaskListener - Interface in org.exoplatform.ui.login.tasks
checkPlatformRespose(HttpResponse) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConnectionUtils
Checking the response status code
checkPLFVersion(HttpResponse, String, String) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConnectionUtils
checkPreviousAppConfig(Context) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.ServerConfigurationUtils
Check if previous config file exists
checkRequestTenant(HttpResponse) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConnectionUtils
checkSignUpResponse(HttpResponse, String) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConnectionUtils
checkTimeout(String) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConnectionUtils
CheckYourMailInbox - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
children - Variable in class org.exoplatform.model.ExoFile
List of sub-files and sub-folders
circle - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
circle_page_indicator - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
CirclePageIndicator - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.styleable
Attributes that can be used with a CirclePageIndicator.
CirclePageIndicator - Class in org.exoplatform.ui
Draws circles (one for each view).
CirclePageIndicator(Context) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.ui.CirclePageIndicator
CirclePageIndicator(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.ui.CirclePageIndicator
CirclePageIndicator(Context, AttributeSet, int) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.ui.CirclePageIndicator
CirclePageIndicator_android_background - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.styleable
CirclePageIndicator_android_orientation - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.styleable
CirclePageIndicator_centered - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.styleable
CirclePageIndicator_fillColor - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.styleable
CirclePageIndicator_pageColor - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.styleable
CirclePageIndicator_radius - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.styleable
CirclePageIndicator_snap - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.styleable
CirclePageIndicator_strokeColor - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.styleable
CirclePageIndicator_strokeWidth - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.styleable
cleanupFilename(String) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoDocumentUtils
On Platform 4.1-M2, the upload service renames the uploaded file.
cleanupFilename(Context) - Method in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoDocumentUtils.DocumentInfo
On Platform 4.1-M2, the upload service renames the uploaded file.
clear() - Method in class org.exoplatform.singleton.AccountSetting
Set all internal properties to null except domainIndex and currentAccount
clear() - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.image.ExoPicasso
Shutdowns the Picasso instance, and sets it to null
clear() - Method in class org.exoplatform.utils.image.FileCache
clear() - Method in class org.exoplatform.utils.image.MemoryCache
clearData() - Method in class org.exoplatform.singleton.SocialServiceHelper
clipPadding - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.attr
Screen edge padding.
clone() - Method in class org.exoplatform.model.ExoAccount
clones this instance
close() - Method in class org.exoplatform.utils.Base64.OutputStream
Flushes and closes (I think, in the superclass) the stream.
closeDocStream() - Method in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoDocumentUtils.DocumentInfo
com_cancel_button - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
com_crashlytics_android_build_id - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
This file is automatically generated by Crashlytics to uniquely identify individual builds of your Android application.
com_dialog_title_view - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
com_ok_button - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
com_warning_content - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
com_warning_image - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
comAvatarImage - Variable in class org.exoplatform.widget.CommentItemLayout
Comment - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
comment_details_empty_stub - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
comment_textfield_background - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
commentButton() - Method in class org.exoplatform.widget.SocialActivityDetailsItem
CommentItemLayout - Class in org.exoplatform.widget
CommentItemLayout(Context) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.widget.CommentItemLayout
commonInitialisation() - Method in class org.exoplatform.widget.SectionListView
compatible_open_file_dialog_layout - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.layout
CompatibleFileOpen - Class in org.exoplatform.utils
Created by The eXo Platform SAS Author : eXoPlatform exo@exoplatform.com Jul 6, 2012
CompatibleFileOpen(Context, String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.utils.CompatibleFileOpen
CompatibleFileOpen.FileOpenRequest - Class in org.exoplatform.utils
Represents a request to open a file.
CompatibleFileOpen.FileOpenRequest() - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.utils.CompatibleFileOpen.FileOpenRequest
CompatibleFileOpen.FileOpenRequestResult - Enum in org.exoplatform.utils
CompatibleFileOpenDialog - Class in org.exoplatform.widget
CompatibleFileOpenDialog(Context, String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.widget.CompatibleFileOpenDialog
CompatibleFileSuggest - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
CompliantMessage - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
compose_attach_file_scroll - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
compose_attach_file_wrap - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
compose_cancel_button - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
COMPOSE_COMMENT_TYPE - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConstants
COMPOSE_FRAGMENT - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.shareextension.ComposeFragment
compose_message_layout - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.layout
compose_message_space_item - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.layout
compose_message_space_selector_activity - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.layout
COMPOSE_POST_TYPE - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConstants
compose_send_button - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
compose_text_view - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
compose_textfield_background - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
compose_textfield_scroll - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
compose_textfield_wrap - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
COMPOSE_TYPE - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConstants
ComposeFragment - Class in org.exoplatform.shareextension
Created by The eXo Platform SAS
ComposeFragment() - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.shareextension.ComposeFragment
ComposeMessageActivity - Class in org.exoplatform.ui.social
ComposeMessageActivity() - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.ui.social.ComposeMessageActivity
composeMessageActivity - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.ComposeMessageActivity
ComposeMessageController - Class in org.exoplatform.controller.social
ComposeMessageController(ComposeMessageActivity, int, PostWaitingDialog) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.controller.social.ComposeMessageController
composer - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.menu
ComposerPlaceHolder - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
comPostedTime - Variable in class org.exoplatform.widget.CommentItemLayout
comTextViewMessage - Variable in class org.exoplatform.widget.CommentItemLayout
comTextViewName - Variable in class org.exoplatform.widget.CommentItemLayout
Connected - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
ConnectionError - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
ConnectionErrorDialog - Class in org.exoplatform.widget
ConnectionErrorDialog(Context) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.widget.ConnectionErrorDialog
ConnectOnPremise - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
connectToOnPremise(View) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.SignInActivity
ConnTimeOutDialog - Class in org.exoplatform.widget
Created by The eXo Platform SAS Author : eXoPlatform exo@exoplatform.com Apr 10, 2012
ConnTimeOutDialog(Context, String, String) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.widget.ConnTimeOutDialog
contentLayoutWrap - Variable in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.SocialActivityStreamItem
contentLayoutWrap - Variable in class org.exoplatform.widget.SocialActivityDetailsItem
contentLayoutWrap - Variable in class org.exoplatform.widget.StandardArrayAdapter.ViewHolder
convertStreamToString(InputStream) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConnectionUtils
convertToThumbnail(String) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.SocialActivityUtil
cookiesList - Variable in class org.exoplatform.singleton.AccountSetting
cookiesStore - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConnectionUtils
Copy - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
copyFile(String, String) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoDocumentUtils
copyStream(InputStream, OutputStream) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.PhotoUtils
CoverFlow - Class in org.exoplatform.widget
CoverFlow(Context) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.widget.CoverFlow
CoverFlow(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.widget.CoverFlow
CoverFlow(Context, AttributeSet, int) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.widget.CoverFlow
CrashUtils - Class in org.exoplatform.utils
CrashUtils() - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.utils.CrashUtils
create(int) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.ui.ScreenSlidePageFragment
Factory method for this fragment class.
CreateAccount - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
createCommentList(ArrayList<SocialCommentInfo>) - Method in class org.exoplatform.controller.social.SocialDetailController
createFile(ExoFile, String) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.DocumentActivity
CreateFolder - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
createFolder(String) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoDocumentUtils
CreateFolderAction - Class in org.exoplatform.shareextension.service
Created by The eXo Platform SAS
CreateFolderAction() - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.shareextension.service.CreateFolderAction
createNaturalName() - Method in class org.exoplatform.model.ExoFile
Create the natural name of the folder, based on the name property, as follows 1st dot is removed other '.' and '_' are replaced by spaces all remaining words must start by a capital letter exo is replaced by eXo ending 's' in 'spaces' is removed The naturalName property is created.
createNewSectionView() - Method in class org.exoplatform.widget.SectionListAdapter
CreationAccountFragment - Class in org.exoplatform.ui
CreationAccountFragment() - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.ui.CreationAccountFragment
CREATOR - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.model.ExoAccount
CREATOR - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.model.ExoFile
CREATOR - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.model.SocialLikeInfo
CREATOR - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.model.SocialPostInfo
CREATOR - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.model.SocialSpaceInfo
CREATOR - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.singleton.AccountSetting
CREATOR - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.singleton.DocumentHelper
CREATOR - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.singleton.ServerSettingHelper
CREATOR - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.singleton.SocialDetailHelper
currentFolder - Variable in class org.exoplatform.model.ExoFile
The path of file
currentPosition - Variable in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.ActivityStreamFragment


d(String, String) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.Log
d(String, String, Object...) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.Log
d(String, String, Throwable) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.Log
dasboard_bottom_background_shape - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
dashboard - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.menu
Dashboard - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
dashboard_empty_stub - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
dashboard_empty_stub_inflated - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
dashboard_layout - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.layout
dashboard_listview - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
dashboard_middle_background_shape - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
DASHBOARD_PATH - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConstants
dashboard_single_background_shape - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
dashboard_top_background_shape - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
DashboardActivity - Class in org.exoplatform.ui
DashboardActivity() - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.ui.DashboardActivity
dashboardActivity - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.ui.DashboardActivity
DashboardController - Class in org.exoplatform.controller.dashboard
DashboardController() - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.controller.dashboard.DashboardController
dashboardcustombgforcellbottom - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
dashboardcustombgforcellbottomselected - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
dashboardcustombgforcellmiddle - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
dashboardcustombgforcellmiddleselected - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
dashboardcustombgforcellsingle - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
dashboardcustombgforcellsingleselected - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
dashboardcustombgforcelltop - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
dashboardcustombgforcelltopselected - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
DashboardItem - Class in org.exoplatform.model
DashboardItem(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.model.DashboardItem
DashboardItemAdapter - Class in org.exoplatform.controller.dashboard
DashboardItemAdapter(Context, ArrayList<GadgetInfo>) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.controller.dashboard.DashboardItemAdapter
DashboardLoadTask - Class in org.exoplatform.controller.dashboard
DashboardLoadTask(DashboardActivity, MenuItem) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.controller.dashboard.DashboardLoadTask
dashboardtabbackground - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
DaysAgo - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
DEBUG - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.BuildConfig
DECODE - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.Base64
Specify decoding.
decode(byte[], int, int, int) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.Base64
Very low-level access to decoding ASCII characters in the form of a byte array.
decode(String) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.Base64
Decodes data from Base64 notation, automatically detecting gzip-compressed data and decompressing it.
decode(String, int) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.Base64
Decodes data from Base64 notation, automatically detecting gzip-compressed data and decompressing it.
decodeFileToFile(String, String) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.Base64
Reads infile and decodes it to outfile.
decodeFromFile(String) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.Base64
Convenience method for reading a base64-encoded file and decoding it.
decodeToFile(String, String) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.Base64
Convenience method for decoding data to a file.
decodeToObject(String) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.Base64
Attempts to decode Base64 data and deserialize a Java Object within.
decrypt(String, String) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.SimpleCrypto
default_avatar - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
DEFAULT_AVATAR - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConstants
default_circle_indicator_centered - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.bool
default_circle_indicator_fill_color - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.color
default_circle_indicator_orientation - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.integer
default_circle_indicator_page_color - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.color
default_circle_indicator_radius - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.dimen
default_circle_indicator_snap - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.bool
default_circle_indicator_stroke_color - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.color
default_circle_indicator_stroke_width - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.dimen
DEFAULT_CONTENT_NAME - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.shareextension.ShareActivity
default_line_indicator_centered - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.bool
default_line_indicator_gap_width - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.dimen
default_line_indicator_line_width - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.dimen
default_line_indicator_selected_color - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.color
default_line_indicator_stroke_width - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.dimen
default_line_indicator_unselected_color - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.color
default_title_indicator_clip_padding - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.dimen
default_title_indicator_footer_color - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.color
default_title_indicator_footer_indicator_height - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.dimen
default_title_indicator_footer_indicator_style - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.integer
default_title_indicator_footer_indicator_underline_padding - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.dimen
default_title_indicator_footer_line_height - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.dimen
default_title_indicator_footer_padding - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.dimen
default_title_indicator_selected_bold - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.bool
default_title_indicator_selected_color - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.color
default_title_indicator_text_color - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.color
default_title_indicator_text_size - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.dimen
default_title_indicator_title_padding - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.dimen
default_title_indicator_top_padding - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.dimen
default_underline_indicator_fade_delay - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.integer
default_underline_indicator_fade_length - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.integer
default_underline_indicator_fades - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.bool
default_underline_indicator_selected_color - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.color
defaultconfiguaration - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.xml
DefaultServer - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
Delete - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
DeleteConfirmFileTitle - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
DeleteConfirmFolderTitle - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
DeleteConfirmMessage - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
deleteFile(ExoFile) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.DocumentActivity
deleteFile(String) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoDocumentUtils
Delete remote folder or file
deleteLocalFiles(List<String>) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoDocumentUtils
Delete the Files at the given paths
describeContents() - Method in class org.exoplatform.model.ExoAccount
describeContents() - Method in class org.exoplatform.model.ExoFile
describeContents() - Method in class org.exoplatform.model.SocialLikeInfo
describeContents() - Method in class org.exoplatform.model.SocialPostInfo
describeContents() - Method in class org.exoplatform.model.SocialSpaceInfo
describeContents() - Method in class org.exoplatform.singleton.AccountSetting
describeContents() - Method in class org.exoplatform.singleton.DocumentHelper
describeContents() - Method in class org.exoplatform.singleton.ServerSettingHelper
describeContents() - Method in class org.exoplatform.singleton.SocialDetailHelper
describeContents() - Method in class org.exoplatform.widget.TextUrlSpan
destinationSpace - Variable in class org.exoplatform.model.SocialPostInfo
detail_likers_background_selector - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
detail_likers_layout_wrapper - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
details_start_screen - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
DetailsNotAvaiable - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
DIALOG_DOWNLOAD_PROGRESS - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.CompatibleFileOpen
DialogText - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.style
DialogText_Title - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.style
didRequestPermission(Activity, int) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoDocumentUtils
Check whether the application needs to request the permission required by the activity.
disableAutoLogin(Context) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.SettingUtils
Disable auto login for the current account and persist the change
displayName - Variable in class org.exoplatform.model.SocialSpaceInfo
document - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.menu
document_action_popup_background_shape - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
DOCUMENT_COLLABORATION - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConstants
DOCUMENT_CONTROL_PATH_REST - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConstants
DOCUMENT_CURRENT_FOLDER - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConstants
DOCUMENT_DRIVE_PATH_REST - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConstants
document_extend_cancel - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
document_extend_dialog_layout - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.layout
document_extend_dialog_title - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
document_extend_edittext - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
document_extend_ok - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
document_extend_textview - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
DOCUMENT_FILE_CACHE - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConstants
DOCUMENT_FILE_PATH_REST - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConstants
DOCUMENT_GENERAL_DRIVER - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConstants
DOCUMENT_GROUP_DRIVER - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConstants
DOCUMENT_JCR_PATH - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConstants
DOCUMENT_PERSONAL_DRIVE_NAME - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConstants
DOCUMENT_PERSONAL_DRIVER - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConstants
DOCUMENT_PERSONAL_DRIVER_SHOW_PRIVATE - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConstants
DOCUMENT_REPOSITORY - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConstants
document_setting_content_header - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
document_setting_title - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
document_setting_title_header - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
document_setting_title_header_layout - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
document_store_setting_checked - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
document_store_setting_content - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
document_store_setting_layout - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
DOCUMENT_UPLOAD_PATH_REST - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConstants
DOCUMENT_USERS - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConstants
DOCUMENT_WORKSPACE_NAME - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConstants
DocumentActionAdapter - Class in org.exoplatform.controller.document
DocumentActionAdapter(DocumentActivity, DocumentActionDialog, ExoFile, boolean) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.controller.document.DocumentActionAdapter
DocumentActionDescription - Class in org.exoplatform.model
DocumentActionDescription(String, int) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.model.DocumentActionDescription
DocumentActionDialog - Class in org.exoplatform.ui
DocumentActionDialog(DocumentActivity, ExoFile, boolean) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.ui.DocumentActionDialog
documentactionpopupaddfoldericon - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
documentactionpopupbackground - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
documentactionpopupcelllineseparator - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
documentactionpopupcopyicon - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
documentactionpopupcuticon - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
documentactionpopupdeleteicon - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
documentactionpopuppasteicon - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
documentactionpopupphotoicon - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
documentactionpopuprenameicon - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
DocumentActivity - Class in org.exoplatform.ui
DocumentActivity() - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.ui.DocumentActivity
DocumentAdapter - Class in org.exoplatform.controller.document
DocumentAdapter(DocumentActivity, List<ExoFile>) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.controller.document.DocumentAdapter
DocumentCannotDelete - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
DocumentCopyPasteError - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
DocumentCreateContent - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
DocumentCreateFolderError - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
DocumentCreateTitle - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
documentData - Variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoDocumentUtils.DocumentInfo
documentdisclosureactionbutton - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
DocumentExtendDialog - Class in org.exoplatform.widget
DocumentExtendDialog(Context, ExoFile, int) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.widget.DocumentExtendDialog
DocumentFolderNameEmpty - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
documentFromContentUri(Uri, Context) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoDocumentUtils
Gets a DocumentInfo with info coming from the document at the given URI.
documentFromFileUri(Uri) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoDocumentUtils
Gets a DocumentInfo with info coming from the file at the given URI.
DocumentHelper - Class in org.exoplatform.singleton
Created by The eXo Platform SAS Author : eXoPlatform exo@exoplatform.com Jan 31, 2012
documenticonforfolder - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
documenticonforimage - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
documenticonformdb - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
documenticonformusic - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
documenticonforpdf - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
documenticonforppt - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
documenticonforswf - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
documenticonfortxt - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
documenticonforunknown - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
documenticonforvideo - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
documenticonforword - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
documenticonforxls - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
documentInfoFromUri(Uri, Context) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoDocumentUtils
Returns a DocumentInfo with info coming from the file at the given URI
documentKey - Variable in class org.exoplatform.singleton.AccountSetting
DocumentLoadTask - Class in org.exoplatform.controller.document
DocumentLoadTask(DocumentActivity, ExoFile, String, int) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.controller.document.DocumentLoadTask
documentMimeType - Variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoDocumentUtils.DocumentInfo
documentName - Variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoDocumentUtils.DocumentInfo
DocumentRenameContent - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
DocumentRenameError - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
DocumentRenameTitle - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
Documents - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
DocumentSettingTitle - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
DocumentShowPrivateDrive - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
documentSizeKb - Variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoDocumentUtils.DocumentInfo
DocumentUploadError - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
DocumentWaitingDialog - Class in org.exoplatform.widget
DocumentWaitingDialog(Context, String, String) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.widget.DocumentWaitingDialog
doExecute() - Method in class org.exoplatform.shareextension.service.Action
doExecute() - Method in class org.exoplatform.shareextension.service.CreateFolderAction
doExecute() - Method in class org.exoplatform.shareextension.service.PostAction
doExecute() - Method in class org.exoplatform.shareextension.service.UploadAction
doInBackground(Void...) - Method in class org.exoplatform.controller.dashboard.DashboardLoadTask
doInBackground(Integer...) - Method in class org.exoplatform.controller.document.DocumentLoadTask
doInBackground(Integer...) - Method in class org.exoplatform.controller.home.SocialLoadTask
doInBackground(Void...) - Method in class org.exoplatform.controller.home.SocialServiceLoadTask
doInBackground(Void...) - Method in class org.exoplatform.controller.signup.SignUpController.CreatingMarketoTask
doInBackground(Void...) - Method in class org.exoplatform.controller.signup.SignUpController.SignUpTask
doInBackground(String...) - Method in class org.exoplatform.controller.social.LikeLoadTask
doInBackground(Void...) - Method in class org.exoplatform.controller.social.PostStatusTask
doInBackground(Boolean...) - Method in class org.exoplatform.controller.social.SocialDetailLoadTask
doInBackground(String...) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.login.tasks.CheckAccountExistsTask
doInBackground(String...) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.login.tasks.CheckingTenantStatusTask
doInBackground(String...) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.login.tasks.LoginTask
doInBackground(Void...) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.login.tasks.LogoutTask
doInBackground(String...) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.login.tasks.RequestTenantTask
DOMAIN - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.ui.login.LoginProxy
DOMAIN_PLATFORM_VERSION - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConstants
DOMAIN_SUFFIX - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConstants
DoNotHavePermision - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
DONT_BREAK_LINES - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.Base64
Don't break lines when encoding (violates strict Base64 specification)
downloadFile(String, String) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.PhotoUtils
DownloadingFile - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
draw(Canvas) - Method in class org.exoplatform.utils.image.PicassoImageGetter.DrawablePlaceHolder
drive - Variable in class org.exoplatform.shareextension.service.ShareService.UploadInfo
driveName - Variable in class org.exoplatform.model.ExoFile
The drive name in which this file is


e(String, String) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.Log
e(String, String, Object...) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.Log
e(String, String, Throwable) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.Log
editText_Comment - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
EditText_Password - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
EditText_Server_Name - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
EditText_Server_URL - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
EditText_UserName - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
Email - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
EMAIL - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.ui.login.LoginProxy
EmailSignIn - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
Sign In Sign In Sign In Sign In Sign In Sign In
EmailSignUp - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
empty_drawable - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
empty_image - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
empty_screen - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.layout
empty_status - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
EmptyActivity - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
EmptyComment - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
EmptyDashboard - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
EmptyFolder - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
EmptyImageGetter - Class in org.exoplatform.utils.image
An ImageGetter that replaces every <img> tag by an empty drawable.
EmptyImageGetter(Context) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.utils.image.EmptyImageGetter
emptyStubView - Variable in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.ActivityStreamFragment
enabled(boolean) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.setting.CheckBox
enableDisableMainButton(boolean) - Method in class org.exoplatform.shareextension.ShareActivity
Switch the main button to the given enabled state.
ENCODE - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.Base64
Specify encoding.
encodeBytes(byte[]) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.Base64
Encodes a byte array into Base64 notation.
encodeBytes(byte[], int) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.Base64
Encodes a byte array into Base64 notation.
encodeBytes(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.Base64
Encodes a byte array into Base64 notation.
encodeBytes(byte[], int, int, int) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.Base64
Encodes a byte array into Base64 notation.
encodeDocumentUrl(String) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoUtils
encodeFileToFile(String, String) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.Base64
Reads infile and encodes it to outfile.
encodeFromFile(String) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.Base64
Convenience method for reading a binary file and base64-encoding it.
encodeObject(Serializable) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.Base64
Serializes an object and returns the Base64-encoded version of that serialized object.
encodeObject(Serializable, int) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.Base64
Serializes an object and returns the Base64-encoded version of that serialized object.
encodeToFile(byte[], String) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.Base64
Convenience method for encoding data to a file.
encrypt(String, String) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.SimpleCrypto
English - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
ENGLISH_LOCALIZATION - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConstants
EnterLogin - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
EnterUrl - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
equals(Object) - Method in class org.exoplatform.model.ExoAccount
Compares this ServerObjInfo with the one given.
Returns true if server name and server URL and username are identical.
ErrorOnComment - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
ErrorOnLike - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
execute() - Method in class org.exoplatform.shareextension.service.Action
execute(SocialPostInfo, ShareService.UploadInfo, Action.ActionListener) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.shareextension.service.CreateFolderAction
execute(SocialPostInfo, PostAction.PostActionListener) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.shareextension.service.PostAction
create and execute post action, wait for return result
execute(SocialPostInfo, ShareService.UploadInfo, Action.ActionListener) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.shareextension.service.UploadAction
create and execute upload action, wait for result
eXo - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
exo_application_logo - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
exo_application_logo_normal - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
EXO_AUTOLOGIN - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConstants
EXO_CLOUD_WS_DOMAIN - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConnectionUtils
eXo cloud workspace url
EXO_EMAIL - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConstants
email used for sign in
exo_intranet_slide - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.layout
EXO_LAST_LOGIN - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConstants
exo_logo_large - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
EXO_MASTER_PASSWORD - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConstants
EXO_OLD_SERVER_SETTING_FILE - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConstants
EXO_PREFERENCE - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConstants
EXO_PRF_DOMAIN - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConstants
EXO_PRF_DOMAIN_INDEX - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConstants
EXO_PRF_LANGUAGE - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConstants
EXO_PRF_LOCALIZE - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConstants
EXO_PRF_PASSWORD - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConstants
EXO_PRF_USERNAME - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConstants
EXO_REMEMBER_ME - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConstants
EXO_SERVER_OBJ - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConstants
EXO_SERVER_SETTING_FILE - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConstants
EXO_URL_AVATAR - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConstants
EXO_URL_SERVER - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConstants
EXO_URL_USERNAME - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConstants
EXO_USER_FULLNAME - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConstants
ExoAccount - Class in org.exoplatform.model
Describe an Account configuration, containing the URL to connect to the server and credentials.
ExoAccount() - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.model.ExoAccount
ExoApp - Class in org.exoplatform.model
ExoApp(String, String) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.model.ExoApp
ExoAppItem - Class in org.exoplatform.model
ExoAppItem() - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.model.ExoAppItem
ExoAppItem(Bitmap, String) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.model.ExoAppItem
ExoApplication - Class in org.exoplatform
ExoApplication() - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.ExoApplication
ExoConnectionUtils - Class in org.exoplatform.utils
ExoConnectionUtils() - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConnectionUtils
ExoConstants - Class in org.exoplatform.utils
ExoConstants() - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConstants
ExoDocumentUtils - Class in org.exoplatform.utils
ExoDocumentUtils() - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoDocumentUtils
ExoDocumentUtils.DocumentInfo - Class in org.exoplatform.utils
ExoDocumentUtils.DocumentInfo() - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoDocumentUtils.DocumentInfo
ExoFile - Class in org.exoplatform.model
ExoFile() - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.model.ExoFile
ExoFile(String) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.model.ExoFile
exofileaction - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.layout
exofilesview - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.layout
exolanguagesetting - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.layout
exomodifyserverlist - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.layout
ExoPicasso - Class in org.exoplatform.utils.image
Created by The eXo Platform SAS
Creates a Picasso instance that uses a ExoPicassoDownloader
ExoPicasso() - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.utils.image.ExoPicasso
ExoPicassoDownloader - Class in org.exoplatform.utils.image
Created by The eXo Platform SAS
A custom Picasso UrlConnectionDownloader that: uses the cookies synchronized from ExoConnectionUtils to get permissions/restrictions about targeted resources sets the custom eXo/$version (Android) User-Agent header in the request
ExoPicassoDownloader(Context) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.utils.image.ExoPicassoDownloader
exosetting - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.layout
ExoUtils - Class in org.exoplatform.utils
Created by The eXo Platform SAS Author : Philippe Aristote paristote@exoplatform.com Jun 24, 2014
ExoUtils() - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoUtils
ExoWebAddress - Class in org.exoplatform.utils
Web Address Parser This is called WebAddress, rather than URL or URI, because it attempts to parse the stuff that a user will actually type into a browser address widget.
ExoWebAddress(String) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoWebAddress
parses given uriString.
ExoWebAddress.ParseException - Exception in org.exoplatform.utils
ExoWebAddress.ParseException(String) - Constructor for exception org.exoplatform.utils.ExoWebAddress.ParseException
ExoWebAddress.ParseException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.exoplatform.utils.ExoWebAddress.ParseException
extractFilenameFromUri(Uri, Activity) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.PhotoUtils


fadeDelay - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.attr
Length of the delay to fade the indicator.
fadeLength - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.attr
Length of the indicator fade to transparent.
fades - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.attr
Whether or not the selected indicator fades.
File - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
file_empty_stub - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
file_empty_stub_inflated - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
file_item_background_shape - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
fileactionitem - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.layout
FileCache - Class in org.exoplatform.utils.image
Created by The eXo Platform SAS Author : eXoPlatform exo@exoplatform.com Apr 5, 2012
FileCache(Context, String) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.utils.image.FileCache
fileitem - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.layout
FileNotFound - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
FileNotSupported - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
fileOpen(Context, String, String, String) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoDocumentUtils
fileToUpload - Variable in class org.exoplatform.shareextension.service.ShareService.UploadInfo
fillColor - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.attr
Color of the filled circle that represents the current page.
finish() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.ComposeMessageActivity
finish() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.WebViewActivity
finishService() - Method in class org.exoplatform.controller.home.HomeController
firstIndex - Variable in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.ActivityStreamFragment
FLIPPER_VIEW - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.controller.home.HomeController
flipToGreetingsPanel() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.SignUpActivity
flushBase64() - Method in class org.exoplatform.utils.Base64.OutputStream
Method added by PHIL.
Folder - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
folder - Variable in class org.exoplatform.shareextension.service.ShareService.UploadInfo
folderToChildrenMap - Variable in class org.exoplatform.singleton.DocumentHelper
The dictionary for mapping a folder with its children
Folder ExoFile.path (key) => List of children ExoFile (val)
folderToParentMap - Variable in class org.exoplatform.singleton.DocumentHelper
The dictionary for mapping a folder with its parent
Folder ExoFile.path (key) => Parent ExoFile (val)
footerColor - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.attr
Color of the footer line and indicator.
footerIndicatorHeight - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.attr
Height of the indicator above the footer line.
footerIndicatorStyle - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.attr
Style of the indicator.
footerIndicatorUnderlinePadding - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.attr
Left and right padding of the underline indicator.
footerLineHeight - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.attr
Height of the footer line.
footerPadding - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.attr
Padding between the bottom of the title and the footer.
FORBIDDEN_TYPES - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoDocumentUtils
form_email - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
form_email_stretchable - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
form_email_stretchable_selected - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
form_link - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
form_link_stretchable - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
form_link_stretchable_selected - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
form_lock - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
form_lock_stretchable - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
form_lock_stretchable_selected - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
form_user - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
form_user_stretchable - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
form_user_stretchable_selected - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
fragment_empty_view_id - Variable in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.ActivityStreamFragment
This fragment's empty view ID
fragment_enter_ltr - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.anim
fragment_enter_rtl - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.anim
fragment_exit_ltr - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.anim
fragment_exit_rtl - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.anim
fragment_layout - Variable in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.ActivityStreamFragment
This fragment's layout resource
fragment_list_view_id - Variable in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.ActivityStreamFragment
This fragment's ListView ID
fragment_screen_slide_page - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.layout
FRAGMENT_TAG - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.accountswitcher.AccountSwitcherFragment
FRAGMENT_TAG - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.accountswitcher.SignInFragment
French - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
FRENCH_LOCALIZATION - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConstants
fromHex(String) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.SimpleCrypto
fullURLofFile(String, String) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoDocumentUtils


gadget_content - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
gadget_image - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
gadget_item_layout - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.layout
gadget_tab_layout - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.layout
gadget_title - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
GadgetInfo - Class in org.exoplatform.model
GadgetInfo(String, String, String, String, String, int) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.model.GadgetInfo
GadgetInfo(String) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.model.GadgetInfo
gadgetplaceholder - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
GadgetsCannotBeRetrieved - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
gapWidth - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.attr
Width of the gap between each indicator line.
General - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
generateKey() - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.SimpleCrypto
generateXmlFileWithServerList(Context, ArrayList<ExoAccount>, String, String) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.ServerConfigurationUtils
Create XML config file from server list
German - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
GERMAN_LOCALIZATION - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConstants
get(String) - Method in class org.exoplatform.utils.image.MemoryCache
getAccountNameFromURL(String, String) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoUtils
Extract a name from a Server URL by keeping the 1st part of the FQDN, between the protocol and the first dot or the end of the URL.
getActionName() - Method in class org.exoplatform.model.DocumentActionDescription
getActivityId() - Method in class org.exoplatform.model.SocialActivityInfo
getActivityId() - Method in class org.exoplatform.singleton.SocialDetailHelper
getActivityStreamHeader(Context, long) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.SocialActivityUtil
getActivityTypeAnswer(String, SocialActivityInfo, Resources, String, boolean) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.SocialActivityUtil
getActivityTypeCalendar(String, SocialActivityInfo, Resources, String, boolean) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.SocialActivityUtil
getActivityTypeForum(String, SocialActivityInfo, Resources, String, boolean) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.SocialActivityUtil
getActivityTypeId(String) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.SocialActivityUtil
getActivityTypeLink(String, SocialActivityInfo, String, boolean) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.SocialActivityUtil
getActivityTypeWiki(String, SocialActivityInfo, Resources, String, boolean) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.SocialActivityUtil
getAlbumsAvatar() - Method in class org.exoplatform.model.SocialPhotoInfo
getAlbumsName() - Method in class org.exoplatform.model.SocialPhotoInfo
getAppDescription() - Method in class org.exoplatform.model.ExoApp
getApplicationVersion() - Method in class org.exoplatform.singleton.ServerSettingHelper
getAppName() - Method in class org.exoplatform.model.ExoApp
getAttachedImageUrl() - Method in class org.exoplatform.model.SocialActivityInfo
getAttachedImageUrl() - Method in class org.exoplatform.singleton.SocialDetailHelper
getAuthInfo() - Method in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoWebAddress
getAutoLoadProgressBar() - Method in class org.exoplatform.widget.SectionListView
getBody() - Method in class org.exoplatform.model.SocialActivityInfo
getCachePath() - Method in class org.exoplatform.utils.image.FileCache
getChildStaticTransformation(View, Transformation) - Method in class org.exoplatform.widget.CoverFlow
getComment(Context, LinkedList<SocialLikeInfo>) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.SocialActivityUtil
getCommentId() - Method in class org.exoplatform.model.SocialCommentInfo
getCommentList() - Method in class org.exoplatform.model.SocialActivityInfo
getCommentName() - Method in class org.exoplatform.model.SocialCommentInfo
getCommentNumber() - Method in class org.exoplatform.model.SocialActivityInfo
getCommentString(Context, LinkedList<SocialLikeInfo>) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.SocialActivityUtil
getCommentTitle() - Method in class org.exoplatform.model.SocialCommentInfo
getContentOfFolder(HttpResponse, ExoFile) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoDocumentUtils
Get a folder with its sub-files and sub-folders.
Parse the XML response with format:
getCookieList(CookieStore) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConnectionUtils
getCount() - Method in class org.exoplatform.accountswitcher.AccountListAdapter
getCount() - Method in class org.exoplatform.controller.dashboard.DashboardItemAdapter
getCount() - Method in class org.exoplatform.controller.document.DocumentActionAdapter
getCount() - Method in class org.exoplatform.controller.document.DocumentAdapter
getCount() - Method in class org.exoplatform.controller.login.ServerAdapter
getCount() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.SpaceListAdapter
getCount() - Method in class org.exoplatform.widget.SectionListAdapter
getCurrentAccount() - Method in class org.exoplatform.singleton.AccountSetting
getCustomTypeface(String) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.AssetUtils
Get custom typeface from assets
getDashboards(HttpResponse) - Method in class org.exoplatform.controller.dashboard.DashboardController
getDateFromTime(String) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.PhotoUtils
Creates a date with format dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm from the given timestamp
getDomain() - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.SocialActivityUtil
getDomainIndex() - Method in class org.exoplatform.singleton.AccountSetting
getDomainName() - Method in class org.exoplatform.singleton.AccountSetting
getDrawable(String) - Method in class org.exoplatform.utils.image.EmptyImageGetter
getDrawable(String) - Method in class org.exoplatform.utils.image.PicassoImageGetter
getDrives(HttpResponse) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoDocumentUtils
Get the list of folders in a drive, from the HTTP response.
The response's body is an XM document that is parsed to extract the information of the folders.
getDrives(HttpResponse, boolean) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoDocumentUtils
Get the list of folders in a drive, from the HTTP response.
The response's body is an XM document that is parsed to extract the information of the folders.
getEditText() - Method in class org.exoplatform.shareextension.ComposeFragment
getExifOrientationAngleFromFile(String) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoDocumentUtils
Get the EXIF orientation of the given file
getExtension(String) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.PhotoUtils
Extract the extension from the given filename
getFile(String) - Method in class org.exoplatform.utils.image.FileCache
getFileFromName(String) - Method in class org.exoplatform.utils.image.FileCache
getFileFromUri(Uri, Activity) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.PhotoUtils
getFileSize(long) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoDocumentUtils
getFillColor() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.CirclePageIndicator
getFragment() - Static method in class org.exoplatform.shareextension.AccountsFragment
getFragment() - Static method in class org.exoplatform.shareextension.ComposeFragment
getFragment() - Static method in class org.exoplatform.shareextension.SignInFragment
getFreeMemory(String) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoDocumentUtils
getFullFileType(String) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoDocumentUtils
getGadgetDescription() - Method in class org.exoplatform.model.GadgetInfo
getGadgetIndex() - Method in class org.exoplatform.model.GadgetInfo
getGadgetInTab(HttpResponse, String, String) - Method in class org.exoplatform.controller.dashboard.DashboardController
getGadgetName() - Method in class org.exoplatform.model.GadgetInfo
getGadgetsErrorList() - Method in class org.exoplatform.controller.dashboard.DashboardController
getGadgetUrl() - Method in class org.exoplatform.model.GadgetInfo
getGapWidth() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.LinePageIndicator
getHeader(Context, long) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.SocialActivityUtil
getHeaderWithSpaceInfo(String, SocialActivityInfo, Resources, String, boolean) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.SocialActivityUtil
Returns an HTML string with the user's fullname and the space's name.
getHost() - Method in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoWebAddress
getIconFromType(String) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoDocumentUtils
getImageFileName() - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.PhotoUtils
Name the image captured when posting an activity
PhotoUtils.MOBILE_IMAGE + date + .jpg
getImageID() - Method in class org.exoplatform.model.DocumentActionDescription
getImageList() - Method in class org.exoplatform.model.SocialPhotoInfo
getImageNumber() - Method in class org.exoplatform.model.SocialPhotoInfo
getImageUrl() - Method in class org.exoplatform.model.SocialActivityInfo
getImageUrl() - Method in class org.exoplatform.model.SocialCommentInfo
getInstance() - Static method in class org.exoplatform.singleton.AccountSetting
getInstance() - Static method in class org.exoplatform.singleton.DocumentHelper
getInstance() - Static method in class org.exoplatform.singleton.ServerSettingHelper
getInstance() - Static method in class org.exoplatform.singleton.SocialDetailHelper
getInstance() - Static method in class org.exoplatform.singleton.SocialServiceHelper
getInstance() - Static method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.AllUpdatesFragment
getInstance() - Static method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.MyConnectionsFragment
getInstance() - Static method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.MySpacesFragment
getInstance() - Static method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.MyStatusFragment
getItem(int) - Method in class org.exoplatform.accountswitcher.AccountListAdapter
getItem(int) - Method in class org.exoplatform.controller.dashboard.DashboardItemAdapter
getItem(int) - Method in class org.exoplatform.controller.document.DocumentActionAdapter
getItem(int) - Method in class org.exoplatform.controller.document.DocumentAdapter
getItem(int) - Method in class org.exoplatform.controller.login.ServerAdapter
getItem(int) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.SpaceListAdapter
getItem(List<E>, int) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.Utils
getItem(int) - Method in class org.exoplatform.widget.SectionListAdapter
getItemId(int) - Method in class org.exoplatform.accountswitcher.AccountListAdapter
getItemId(int) - Method in class org.exoplatform.controller.dashboard.DashboardItemAdapter
getItemId(int) - Method in class org.exoplatform.controller.document.DocumentActionAdapter
getItemId(int) - Method in class org.exoplatform.controller.document.DocumentAdapter
getItemId(int) - Method in class org.exoplatform.controller.login.ServerAdapter
getItemId(int) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.SpaceListAdapter
getItemId(int) - Method in class org.exoplatform.widget.SectionListAdapter
getItemViewType(int) - Method in class org.exoplatform.widget.SectionListAdapter
getLanguage(Context) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.SettingUtils
getLastPathComponent(String) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoDocumentUtils
getLiked() - Method in class org.exoplatform.singleton.SocialDetailHelper
getLikeId() - Method in class org.exoplatform.model.SocialLikeInfo
getLikeList() - Method in class org.exoplatform.model.SocialActivityInfo
getLikeName() - Method in class org.exoplatform.model.SocialLikeInfo
getLikeNumber() - Method in class org.exoplatform.model.SocialActivityInfo
getLineWidth() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.LinePageIndicator
getLinkActivityInfo(SocialActivityInfo, String, Resources) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.SocialActivityUtil
getLinkedPosition(int) - Method in class org.exoplatform.widget.SectionListAdapter
getMaxRotationAngle() - Method in class org.exoplatform.widget.CoverFlow
Get the max rotational angle of the image
getMaxZoom() - Method in class org.exoplatform.widget.CoverFlow
Get the Max zoom of the centre image
getMethod() - Method in class org.exoplatform.utils.WebdavMethod
getName() - Method in class org.exoplatform.model.ExoFile
The name of the file / folder.
If the naturalName exists, naturalName is returned instead.
getOrientation() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.CirclePageIndicator
getOriginalName() - Method in class org.exoplatform.model.SocialSpaceInfo
If the space has been renamed, it's still possible to retrieve the original name from the groupId.
It works by extracting the last part of the groupId, e.g.
getPageColor() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.CirclePageIndicator
getPageNumber() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.ScreenSlidePageFragment
Returns the page number represented by this fragment object.
getPageTitle(String) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.TitleExtractor
getParentImagePath(Context) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.PhotoUtils
getParentUrl(String) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoDocumentUtils
getPassword() - Method in class org.exoplatform.shareextension.SignInFragment
getPassword() - Method in class org.exoplatform.singleton.AccountSetting
getPath() - Method in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoWebAddress
getPersonalDriveContent(Context, ExoFile) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoDocumentUtils
Get the content (files and folders) of the given folder.
getPlatformResponse(String, String, String) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConnectionUtils
getPlatformVersion() - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.SocialActivityUtil
getPort() - Method in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoWebAddress
getPosition() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.ActivityStreamFragment
getPostDestination() - Method in class org.exoplatform.controller.social.ComposeMessageController
getPostedTime() - Method in class org.exoplatform.model.SocialActivityInfo
getPostedTime() - Method in class org.exoplatform.model.SocialCommentInfo
getPostedTimeString(Context, long) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.SocialActivityUtil
getPostInfo() - Method in class org.exoplatform.shareextension.ShareActivity
getPostMessage() - Method in class org.exoplatform.shareextension.ComposeFragment
getPrefsLanguage(Context) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.SettingUtils
getRadius() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.CirclePageIndicator
getRepositoryHomeUrl() - Method in class org.exoplatform.singleton.DocumentHelper
getRequestResponse(String) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConnectionUtils
getRestActivity() - Method in class org.exoplatform.shareextension.service.PostAction.PostActionListener
getRestActivityList(RestIdentity, QueryParams) - Method in class org.exoplatform.controller.home.SocialLoadTask
Get the list of RestActivity from the Social REST service.
getRestActivityList(RestIdentity, QueryParams) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.AllUpdatesFragment.AllUpdateLoadTask
getRestActivityList(RestIdentity, QueryParams) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.MyConnectionsFragment.MyConnectionLoadTask
getRestActivityList(RestIdentity, QueryParams) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.MySpacesFragment.MySpacesLoadTask
getRestActivityList(RestIdentity, QueryParams) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.MyStatusFragment.MyStatusLoadTask
getRoundedCornerBitmap(Bitmap, int) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.PhotoUtils
getScheme() - Method in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoWebAddress
getSdCardTempDir() - Method in class org.exoplatform.controller.social.ComposeMessageController
getSectionName(int) - Method in class org.exoplatform.widget.SectionListAdapter
getSectionPosition(String) - Method in class org.exoplatform.widget.SectionListAdapter
getSelectedColor() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.LinePageIndicator
getServerEdition() - Method in class org.exoplatform.singleton.ServerSettingHelper
getServerInfoList(Context) - Method in class org.exoplatform.singleton.ServerSettingHelper
Returns the list of server objects configured in the app.
If the property has not yet been set, the list is retrieved from storage lazily.
getServerListFromFile(Context, String) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.ServerConfigurationUtils
Retrieve server list from XML config file
getServerListFromOldConfigFile(String) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.ServerConfigurationUtils
Retrieve server list from XML config file
getServerName() - Method in class org.exoplatform.model.ServerInfo
getServerName() - Method in class org.exoplatform.singleton.AccountSetting
getServerUrl() - Method in class org.exoplatform.model.ServerInfo
getServerVersion() - Method in class org.exoplatform.singleton.ServerSettingHelper
getShareActivity() - Method in class org.exoplatform.shareextension.AccountsFragment
getShareActivity() - Method in class org.exoplatform.shareextension.ComposeFragment
getShareActivity() - Method in class org.exoplatform.shareextension.SignInFragment
getShortActivityContent(SocialActivityInfo) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.SocialActivityUtil
getSize(Collection) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.Utils
getSocialActivityList() - Method in class org.exoplatform.controller.home.SocialLoadTask
Get the list of SocialActivity for the current stream.
getSocialActivityList() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.AllUpdatesFragment.AllUpdateLoadTask
getSocialActivityList() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.MyConnectionsFragment.MyConnectionLoadTask
getSocialActivityList() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.MySpacesFragment.MySpacesLoadTask
getSocialActivityList() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.MyStatusFragment.MyStatusLoadTask
getSocialListForTab(int) - Method in class org.exoplatform.singleton.SocialServiceHelper
getSpanTypeId() - Method in class org.exoplatform.widget.TextUrlSpan
getSpanTypeIdInternal() - Method in class org.exoplatform.widget.TextUrlSpan
getStackTraceString(Throwable) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.Log
GetStarted - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
Sign up Sign up Sign up Sign up Sign up Sign up
getStrGadgetIcon() - Method in class org.exoplatform.model.GadgetInfo
getStrokeColor() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.CirclePageIndicator
getStrokeWidth() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.CirclePageIndicator
getStrokeWidth() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.LinePageIndicator
getTabName() - Method in class org.exoplatform.model.GadgetInfo
getTemplateParam(String) - Method in class org.exoplatform.model.SocialPostInfo
Get the template param with the given name.
getThisLoadTask() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.ActivityStreamFragment
Gets this fragment task to load proper activities.
getThisLoadTask() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.AllUpdatesFragment
getThisLoadTask() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.MyConnectionsFragment
getThisLoadTask() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.MySpacesFragment
getThisLoadTask() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.MyStatusFragment
getThisTabId() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.ActivityStreamFragment
Gets this fragment's tab ID.
getThisTabId() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.AllUpdatesFragment
getThisTabId() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.MyConnectionsFragment
getThisTabId() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.MySpacesFragment
getThisTabId() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.MyStatusFragment
getTitle() - Method in class org.exoplatform.model.SocialActivityInfo
getTransparentSectionView() - Method in class org.exoplatform.widget.SectionListAdapter
getType() - Method in class org.exoplatform.model.SocialActivityInfo
getUnselectedColor() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.LinePageIndicator
getUpdatedTime() - Method in class org.exoplatform.model.SocialActivityInfo
getUploadedUrl() - Method in class org.exoplatform.shareextension.service.ShareService.UploadInfo
getURL() - Method in class org.exoplatform.widget.TextUrlSpan
getUserAgent() - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConnectionUtils
getUserAvatarUrl() - Method in class org.exoplatform.singleton.AccountSetting
getUserFullName() - Method in class org.exoplatform.singleton.AccountSetting
getUserId() - Method in class org.exoplatform.model.SocialActivityInfo
getUserName() - Method in class org.exoplatform.model.SocialActivityInfo
getUsername() - Method in class org.exoplatform.singleton.AccountSetting
getVal(WeakReference<T>) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.Utils
getView(int, View, ViewGroup) - Method in class org.exoplatform.accountswitcher.AccountListAdapter
getView(int, View, ViewGroup) - Method in class org.exoplatform.controller.dashboard.DashboardItemAdapter
getView(int, View, ViewGroup) - Method in class org.exoplatform.controller.document.DocumentActionAdapter
getView(int, View, ViewGroup) - Method in class org.exoplatform.controller.document.DocumentAdapter
getView(int, View, ViewGroup) - Method in class org.exoplatform.controller.login.ServerAdapter
This method is called 3 times for each item
getView(int, View, ViewGroup) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.SpaceListAdapter
getView(int, View, ViewGroup) - Method in class org.exoplatform.widget.SectionListAdapter
getView(int, View, ViewGroup) - Method in class org.exoplatform.widget.StandardArrayAdapter
getViewTypeCount() - Method in class org.exoplatform.widget.SectionListAdapter
getWarningDialog() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.login.LoginProxy
GLOBAL_TYPE - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.ui.setting.SettingActivity
Settings in offline mode
gray - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.color
Greek - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
GREEK_LOCALIZATION - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConstants
greetings_panel - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.layout
GreetingsFragment - Class in org.exoplatform.ui
GreetingsFragment() - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.ui.GreetingsFragment
Group - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
groupId - Variable in class org.exoplatform.model.SocialSpaceInfo
grow_from_bottom - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.anim
grow_from_middle - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.anim
GZIP - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.Base64
Specify that data should be gzip-compressed.


HasAddANewPost - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
HasAnswerQuestion - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
HasAskAnswer - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
hasAttachment() - Method in class org.exoplatform.model.SocialPostInfo
HasCreatWikiPage - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
HasEditWikiPage - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
hashCode() - Method in class org.exoplatform.model.ExoAccount
HasPostedAnewTopic - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
hasStableIds() - Method in class org.exoplatform.widget.SectionListAdapter
HasUpdateANewPost - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
HasUpdateAnewTopic - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
HasUpdatedQuestion - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
HelloGallery - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.styleable
Attributes that can be used with a HelloGallery.
HelloGallery_android_galleryItemBackground - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.styleable
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.galleryItemBackground attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.HelloGallery array.
home - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.menu
home_activity_avatar - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
home_activity_message_txt - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
home_activity_name_txt - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
home_activity_ticker_streachable - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
home_anim_left_out - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.anim
home_anim_right_to_left - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.anim
home_app_icon - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
home_app_icon_landscape - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
HOME_AVATAR_BORDER_COLOR - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConstants
home_btn_activity - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
home_btn_activity - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
home_btn_apps - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
home_btn_apps - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
home_btn_document - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
home_btn_document - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
home_button_shape_down - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
home_document_icon - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
home_document_icon_landscape - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
home_item_background_shape - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
home_layout - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.layout
home_linearlayout - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
home_news_icon - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
home_news_icon_landscape - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
home_profile_avatar_size - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.dimen
home_profile_bg - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
home_social_flipper - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
home_social_item_layout - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.layout
home_social_wrap_layout - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
home_textview_name - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
home_user_avatar - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
HomeActivity - Class in org.exoplatform.ui
Represents the home screen with dashboard
HomeActivity() - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.ui.HomeActivity
homeActivity - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.ui.HomeActivity
HomeButton - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.style
HomeButtonStyle - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.style
HomeController - Class in org.exoplatform.controller.home
Created by The eXo Platform SAS Author : eXoPlatform exo@exoplatform.com May 17, 2012
HomeController(Context) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.controller.home.HomeController
HomeItem - Class in org.exoplatform.model
HomeItem() - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.model.HomeItem
HomeItem(Bitmap, int, String) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.model.HomeItem
HomeLandscapeLayout - Class in org.exoplatform.widget
Created by The eXo Platform SAS Author : eXoPlatform exo@exoplatform.com Jun 8, 2012
HomeLandscapeLayout(Context) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.widget.HomeLandscapeLayout
HomeLandscapeLayout(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.widget.HomeLandscapeLayout
HomeLinearLayout - Class in org.exoplatform.widget
Custom layout for home screen drawing a gradient bitmap at the center of the background Created by The eXo Platform SAS Author : eXoPlatform exo@exoplatform.com May 23, 2012
HomeLinearLayout(Context) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.widget.HomeLinearLayout
HomeLinearLayout(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.widget.HomeLinearLayout
Hour - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
Hours - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
HoursAgo - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
html - Variable in class org.exoplatform.model.DashboardItem
HTTP - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConnectionUtils
HTTP_PROTOCOL - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConstants
httpClient - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConnectionUtils
HTTPS - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConnectionUtils
HTTPS_PROTOCOL - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConstants


i(String, String) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.Log
i(String, String, Object...) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.Log
i(String, String, Throwable) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.Log
icon - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
icon_check - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
icon_check_circle_grey - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
icon_chevron_right_grey - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
icon_clock - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
icon_credentials - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
icon_done_grey - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
icon_email_white - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
icon_for_empty_folder - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
icon_for_no_activities - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
icon_for_no_comment - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
icon_for_no_contact - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
icon_for_no_gadgets - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
icon_for_placeholder_image - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
icon_for_unreadable_file - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
icon_for_unreadable_link - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
icon_more_action_bar - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
icon_place - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
icon_post_public - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
icon_server - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
icon_settings_login_activity - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
icon_share_notif - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
icon_space_default - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
icon_switcher - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
icon_warning - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
icon_warning_gray - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
id - Variable in class org.exoplatform.model.DashboardItem
id - Variable in class org.exoplatform.model.SocialSpaceInfo
identityService - Variable in class org.exoplatform.singleton.SocialServiceHelper
image_radius - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.dimen
IMAGE_TYPE - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConstants
IMAGE_TYPE - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoDocumentUtils
ImageDesc - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
imageID - Variable in class org.exoplatform.model.DocumentActionDescription
imageView1 - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
imageView_Avatar - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
ImageView_Checked - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
ImageView_CheckMark_EN - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
ImageView_CheckMark_FR - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
ImageView_English - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
ImageView_French - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
ImageView_Language_Section_Bottom - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
ImageView_Navigationbar - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
ImageView_Separator - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
ImageView_Server_Information_Section_Bottom - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
ImageView_Server_Information_Section_Header - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
ImageView_Server_List_Section_Bottom - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
ImageView_Server_List_Section_Header - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
imageViewAvatar - Variable in class org.exoplatform.widget.StandardArrayAdapter.ViewHolder
In - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
indicator - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
inflater - Variable in class org.exoplatform.widget.SectionListAdapter
init(SocialPostInfo) - Method in class org.exoplatform.shareextension.service.ShareService.UploadInfo
initCamera() - Method in class org.exoplatform.controller.document.DocumentActionAdapter
initCamera() - Method in class org.exoplatform.controller.social.ComposeMessageController
initCommonInfo() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.SocialActivityStreamItem
initCommonInfo() - Method in class org.exoplatform.widget.SocialActivityDetailsItem
initHttpClient() - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConnectionUtils
InputTextWarning - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
instance - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.AllUpdatesFragment
instance - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.MyConnectionsFragment
instance - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.MySpacesFragment
instance - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.MyStatusFragment
instance - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.SocialTabsActivity
InvalidCredentials - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
InvalidEmail - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
InvalidSignUp - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
IS_MOBILE_COMPLIANT - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConstants
isAttachedToWindow() - Method in class org.exoplatform.widget.WaitingDialog
isAutoLoginEnabled - Variable in class org.exoplatform.model.ExoAccount
Whether autologin is enabled
isAutoLoginEnabled() - Method in class org.exoplatform.singleton.AccountSetting
Whether auto-login is enabled or not if no server defined then disable auto-login
isCallable(Context, String, String) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoDocumentUtils
Check if the device has an application to open this type of file.
isCentered() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.CirclePageIndicator
isCentered() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.LinePageIndicator
isChecked() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.setting.CheckBox
isContainSpecialChar(String, String) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoDocumentUtils
isCorrectIPAddress(String) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoUtils
Check whether an IP address is correct using Patterns.IP_ADDRESS.
isDefaultServer() - Method in class org.exoplatform.model.ServerInfo
isDLoggable(Object) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.Log
isDocumentUrlValid(String) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoUtils
isEmailValid(String) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoUtils
Validate an email address with http://developer.android.com/reference/android /util/Patterns.html#EMAIL_ADDRESS
isEmpty() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.ActivityStreamFragment
Returns whether the current stream's activity list is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.AllUpdatesFragment
isEmpty() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.MyConnectionsFragment
isEmpty() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.MySpacesFragment
isEmpty() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.MyStatusFragment
isEmpty(Collection) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.Utils
isEmpty(Map) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.Utils
isEmpty() - Method in class org.exoplatform.widget.SectionListAdapter
isEnabled(int) - Method in class org.exoplatform.widget.SectionListAdapter
isEnoughMemory(int) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoDocumentUtils
isFolder - Variable in class org.exoplatform.model.ExoFile
Whether this file is a folder
isForbidden(String) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoDocumentUtils
Check whether the given Mime Type is forbidden.
isLoading() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.ActivityStreamFragment
isLoadingMoreActivities - Variable in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.ActivityStreamFragment
isLoadingTask() - Method in class org.exoplatform.controller.home.HomeController
isLoggable(Object) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.Log
isLoggable(String, int) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.Log
isNetworkAvailableExt(Context) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConnectionUtils
Check mobile network and wireless status
isProgressVisible() - Method in class org.exoplatform.shareextension.ShareActivity
isPublic() - Method in class org.exoplatform.model.SocialPostInfo
isRelativeURL() - Method in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoWebAddress
isRememberEnabled - Variable in class org.exoplatform.model.ExoAccount
Whether remember me is enabled on this credential by default remember me is set to true
isRememberMeEnabled() - Method in class org.exoplatform.singleton.AccountSetting
Whether remember-me is enabled or not if no server defined then disable remember-me
isSection(int) - Method in class org.exoplatform.widget.SectionListAdapter
isServerNameValid(String) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoUtils
Verifies that an account name contains allowed characters only.
isSnap() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.CirclePageIndicator
isURLForbidden(String) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoUtils
Check whether a given URL is forbidden or not.
URL cannot be one of "http://exoplatform.net", "http://wks-acc.exoplatform.org", "http://netstg.exoplatform.org"
isUrlValid(String) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoUtils
Validate an URL with pattern http://developer.android.com/reference/android/util/Patterns.html#WEB_URL or #IP_ADDRESS
isUsernameValid(String) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoUtils
Verifies that an account username contains allowed characters only.
item_space_avatar - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
item_space_name - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id


jcrUrl - Variable in class org.exoplatform.shareextension.service.ShareService.UploadInfo


key() - Method in class org.exoplatform.utils.image.RoundedCornersTranformer


label - Variable in class org.exoplatform.model.DashboardItem
label - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
label_stretchable - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
label_txt_size - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.dimen
LabelView - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.styleable
Attributes that can be used with a LabelView.
LabelView_textColor - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.styleable
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.textColor attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.LabelView array.
LabelView_textSize - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.styleable
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.textSize attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.LabelView array.
LabelView_textStr - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.styleable
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.textStr attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.LabelView array.
Language - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
lastLoginDate - Variable in class org.exoplatform.model.ExoAccount
LastLoginDate - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
launch - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.layout
launch_action_bar_img - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
launch_profile_img - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
launch_view_flipper_img - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
LaunchActivity - Class in org.exoplatform.ui
Lightweight activity acts as entry point to the application
LaunchActivity() - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.ui.LaunchActivity
launchNewsService() - Method in class org.exoplatform.controller.home.HomeController
LaunchUtils - Class in org.exoplatform.utils
Entry point of application load setting and redirect application to appropriate screen if no account is configured, welcome screen shows up if account is configured and auto-login disabled, login screen shows up if account is configured and auto-login enabled, home screen shows up
LaunchUtils(Activity) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.utils.LaunchUtils
layout - Variable in class org.exoplatform.widget.ServerItemLayout
LessThanAMinute - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
like_button - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
like_list_activity_layout - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.layout
like_list_gridview - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
likeButton() - Method in class org.exoplatform.widget.SocialActivityDetailsItem
liked_avatar - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
liked_grid_item - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.layout
liked_name - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
likedImageUrl - Variable in class org.exoplatform.model.SocialLikeInfo
LikedThis - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
LikeListActivity - Class in org.exoplatform.ui.social
Created by The eXo Platform SAS Author : eXoPlatform exo@exoplatform.com Jun 4, 2012
LikeListActivity() - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.ui.social.LikeListActivity
LikeLoadTask - Class in org.exoplatform.controller.social
Created by The eXo Platform SAS Author : eXoPlatform exo@exoplatform.com Jun 6, 2012
LikeLoadTask(Context, SocialDetailController, int) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.controller.social.LikeLoadTask
Liker - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
Likers - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
LinePageIndicator - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.styleable
Attributes that can be used with a LinePageIndicator.
LinePageIndicator - Class in org.exoplatform.ui
Draws a line for each page.
LinePageIndicator(Context) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.ui.LinePageIndicator
LinePageIndicator(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.ui.LinePageIndicator
LinePageIndicator(Context, AttributeSet, int) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.ui.LinePageIndicator
LinePageIndicator_android_background - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.styleable
LinePageIndicator_centered - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.styleable
LinePageIndicator_gapWidth - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.styleable
LinePageIndicator_lineWidth - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.styleable
LinePageIndicator_selectedColor - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.styleable
LinePageIndicator_strokeWidth - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.styleable
LinePageIndicator_unselectedColor - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.styleable
lineWidth - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.attr
Width of each indicator line.
link - Variable in class org.exoplatform.model.DashboardItem
list_spaces - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
list_spaces_empty_view - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
listener - Variable in class org.exoplatform.shareextension.service.Action
listView - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
listview - Variable in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.ActivityStreamFragment
ListView0_FileAction - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
ListView_Files - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
ListView_Server_List - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
listview_server_wrap - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
ListView_Servers - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
load(Uri, int) - Method in class org.exoplatform.utils.image.ExoPicassoDownloader
loaderItem - Variable in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.SocialTabsActivity
loadFolderContent(ExoFile) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.DocumentActivity
loading_01 - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
loading_02 - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
loading_03 - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
loading_04 - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
loading_05 - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
loading_06 - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
loading_07 - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
loading_08 - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
loading_rect - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
LoadingData - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
LoadingDataError - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
LoadingImage - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
Log - Class in org.exoplatform.utils
Created by minhtdh on 4/7/15.
Log() - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.utils.Log
LOG_LEVEL - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.Log
LOG_TAG - Variable in class org.exoplatform.shareextension.service.Action
LOG_TAG - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.shareextension.service.ShareService
LOG_TAG - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.shareextension.ShareActivity
LOGD - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.Log
loge(String, String) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.CrashUtils
LOGE - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.Log
LOGGABLE - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.Log
loggingOut() - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConnectionUtils
Clean up connection data to log out
LOGI - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.Log
login - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.layout
login - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.menu
LogIn - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
login_account_btn - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
login_account_panel - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
login_background - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
login_background_land - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
login_button_background_shape - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
LOGIN_ERROR - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConstants
login_exo_logo - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
LOGIN_FAILED - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConnectionUtils
login_frame - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
LOGIN_INCOMPATIBLE - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConnectionUtils
LOGIN_INVALID - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConnectionUtils
LOGIN_INVALID - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConstants
login_layout - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
LOGIN_NO - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConstants
login_server_btn - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
login_server_panel - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
LOGIN_SERVER_RESUMING - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConnectionUtils
LOGIN_SUCCESS - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConnectionUtils
LOGIN_UNAUTHORIZED - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConnectionUtils
LOGIN_UNREACHABLE - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConstants
login_warning_dialog_layout - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.layout
LOGIN_WRONG - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConnectionUtils
LOGIN_YES - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConstants
LoginActivity - Class in org.exoplatform.ui.login
Represents screen for authentication The screen contains 2 panels: an account panel allows user to enter credentials and a server panel to select a server to connect to.
LoginActivity() - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.ui.login.LoginActivity
LoginProxy - Class in org.exoplatform.ui.login
A proxy contains logic relating to network operation.
LoginProxy(Context, int, Bundle) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.ui.login.LoginProxy
data should be verified before entering LoginProxy
LoginProxy.ProxyListener - Interface in org.exoplatform.ui.login
LoginTask - Class in org.exoplatform.ui.login.tasks
Performs login
LoginTask() - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.ui.login.tasks.LoginTask
LoginTask.AsyncTaskListener - Interface in org.exoplatform.ui.login.tasks
LoginTitle - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
LoginWarningDialog - Class in org.exoplatform.ui.login
A dialog that display a warning message with an animation
LoginWarningDialog(Context) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.ui.login.LoginWarningDialog
LoginWarningDialog(Context, String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.ui.login.LoginWarningDialog
LoginWarningDialog.ViewListener - Interface in org.exoplatform.ui.login
LoginWarningMsg - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
loginWithSelectedAccount() - Method in class org.exoplatform.shareextension.ShareActivity
logo - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
logout_cancel_button - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
logout_content - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
logout_dialog_layout - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.layout
logout_ok_button - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
LogoutContent - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
LogoutDialog - Class in org.exoplatform.widget
LogoutDialog(Context, HomeActivity) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.widget.LogoutDialog
LogoutTask - Class in org.exoplatform.ui.login.tasks
Created by The eXo Platform SAS Author : Philippe Aristote paristote@exoplatform.com May 12, 2014 Logout async task performs Logout action on a background thread
LogoutTask(HttpClient) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.ui.login.tasks.LogoutTask
Calls getConnectionManager().shutdown() on the given HttpClient, in a background thread
LogoutTitle - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
LOGV - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.Log
LOGW - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.Log


main(String[]) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.Base64
Encodes or decodes two files from the command line; feel free to delete this method (in fact you probably should) if you're embedding this code into a larger program.
MainLayout - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
makeCloudSignUpRequest(String) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConnectionUtils
Make a Sign up request to eXo cloud
makeRadGrad(int, int) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.PhotoUtils
Make radial gradient bitmap
makeSectionInvisibleIfFirstInList(int) - Method in class org.exoplatform.widget.SectionListAdapter
Hide the section header when it reaches the top of the list.
margin_l - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.dimen
margin_m - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.dimen
margin_s - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.dimen
margin_xl - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.dimen
margin_xs - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.dimen
margin_xxl - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.dimen
margin_xxs - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.dimen
MARKETO_URL - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConnectionUtils
MaxUsers - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
mBtn - Variable in class org.exoplatform.ui.login.LoginWarningDialog
mChecked - Variable in class org.exoplatform.ui.setting.CheckBox
state: checked or not
Me - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
MemoryCache - Class in org.exoplatform.utils.image
Created by The eXo Platform SAS Author : eXoPlatform exo@exoplatform.com Apr 5, 2012
MemoryCache() - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.utils.image.MemoryCache
menu_act_detail_refresh - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
menu_as_compose - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
menu_as_refresh - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
menu_compose_attach - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
menu_dashboard_refresh - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
menu_doc_action - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
menu_home_account_switcher - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
menu_home_logout - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
menu_home_refresh - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
menu_home_settings - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
menu_login_settings - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
menu_shareextension_post - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
menu_webview_open_document - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
menu_webview_refresh - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
mFileOpenController - Variable in class org.exoplatform.ui.DocumentActivity
mFileOpenController - Variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.CompatibleFileOpen.FileOpenRequest
Minute - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
Minutes - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
MinutesAgo - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
mIsTablet - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.ui.WelcomeActivity
mLoadTask - Variable in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.ActivityStreamFragment
MOBILE_FOLDER - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConstants
modify_server_btn - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
ModifyServerList - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
modifySharedPerf(Context) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.SettingUtils
MonthsAgo - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
Move - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
moveFile(String, String) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoDocumentUtils
mPager - Variable in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.SocialTabsActivity
mResult - Variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.CompatibleFileOpen.FileOpenRequest
mServiceLoadTask - Variable in class org.exoplatform.controller.home.HomeController
MSWORD_TYPE - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoDocumentUtils
MY_CONNECTIONS - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.SocialTabsActivity
my_connections_listview - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
MY_SPACES - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.SocialTabsActivity
my_spaces_listview - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
MY_STATUS - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.SocialTabsActivity
my_status_listview - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
MyConnectionsFragment - Class in org.exoplatform.ui.social
Created by The eXo Platform SAS Author : eXoPlatform exo@exoplatform.com Jul 23, 2012
MyConnectionsFragment() - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.ui.social.MyConnectionsFragment
MyConnectionsFragment.MyConnectionLoadTask - Class in org.exoplatform.ui.social
MyConnectionsFragment.MyConnectionLoadTask(Context, MenuItem) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.ui.social.MyConnectionsFragment.MyConnectionLoadTask
myConnectionsList - Variable in class org.exoplatform.singleton.SocialServiceHelper
myFile - Variable in class org.exoplatform.ui.DocumentActionDialog
MySpacesFragment - Class in org.exoplatform.ui.social
Created by The eXo Platform SAS Author : eXoPlatform exo@exoplatform.com Jul 23, 2012
MySpacesFragment() - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.ui.social.MySpacesFragment
MySpacesFragment.MySpacesLoadTask - Class in org.exoplatform.ui.social
MySpacesFragment.MySpacesLoadTask(Context, MenuItem) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.ui.social.MySpacesFragment.MySpacesLoadTask
mySpacesList - Variable in class org.exoplatform.singleton.SocialServiceHelper
MyStatusFragment - Class in org.exoplatform.ui.social
Created by The eXo Platform SAS Author : eXoPlatform exo@exoplatform.com Jul 23, 2012
MyStatusFragment() - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.ui.social.MyStatusFragment
MyStatusFragment.MyStatusLoadTask - Class in org.exoplatform.ui.social
MyStatusFragment.MyStatusLoadTask(Context, MenuItem) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.ui.social.MyStatusFragment.MyStatusLoadTask
myStatusList - Variable in class org.exoplatform.singleton.SocialServiceHelper


name - Variable in class org.exoplatform.model.ExoFile
Name of the file/folder
name - Variable in class org.exoplatform.model.SocialSpaceInfo
NameOfTheServer - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
Navigation_Bar - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
NetworkTimeout - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
newAppConfigExists(Context) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.ServerConfigurationUtils
Check whether new config file for app exists
news_browser_activity_bg - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
news_browser_activity_bg_selected - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
news_browser_background_shape - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
NewServer - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
NO_OPTIONS - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.Base64
No options specified.
NoAccountExists - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
NoAppFound - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
nodeType - Variable in class org.exoplatform.model.ExoFile
File content type
NoLike - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
none - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
NoPasswordEnter - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
NoServerSelected - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
NoSpaces - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
notEmpty(Collection) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.Utils
notEmpty(Map) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.Utils
notifyDataSetChanged() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.CirclePageIndicator
notifyDataSetChanged() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.LinePageIndicator
notifyDataSetChanged() - Method in interface org.exoplatform.ui.social.PageIndicator
Notify the indicator that the fragment list has changed.
notifyDataSetChanged() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.TabPageIndicator
NUM_PAGES - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.ui.ScreenSlidePageFragment
Number1 - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
Number2 - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
number_bg - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
number_of_activity - Variable in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.SocialTabsActivity
NUMBER_OF_ACTIVITY - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConstants
NUMBER_OF_ACTIVITY_HOME - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConstants
NUMBER_OF_COMMENTS_PARAM - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConstants
NUMBER_OF_LIKES_PARAM - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConstants
number_of_more_activity - Variable in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.SocialTabsActivity
NUMBER_OF_MORE_ACTIVITY - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConstants
NUMBER_OF_MORE_COMMENTS_PARAM - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConstants


OK - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
okButton - Variable in class org.exoplatform.widget.WarningDialog
onAccountInvalid(ExoAccount) - Method in class org.exoplatform.accountswitcher.AccountSwitcherFragment
onAccountInvalid(ExoAccount) - Method in interface org.exoplatform.accountswitcher.AccountSwitcherProxy.AccountSwitcherListener
Called when the account doesn't contain a URL.
onAccountInvalid(ExoAccount) - Method in class org.exoplatform.accountswitcher.SignInFragment
onAccountSelected(ExoAccount) - Method in class org.exoplatform.shareextension.ShareActivity
onActivityCreated(Bundle) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.AllUpdatesFragment
onActivityCreated(Bundle) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.MyConnectionsFragment
onActivityCreated(Bundle) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.MySpacesFragment
onActivityCreated(Bundle) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.MyStatusFragment
onActivityResult(int, int, Intent) - Method in class org.exoplatform.shareextension.ShareActivity
onActivityResult(int, int, Intent) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.DocumentActivity
onActivityResult(int, int, Intent) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.LaunchActivity
onActivityResult(int, int, Intent) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.ComposeMessageActivity
onAttach(Activity) - Method in class org.exoplatform.shareextension.AccountsFragment
onAttachedToWindow() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.TabPageIndicator
onAttachedToWindow() - Method in class org.exoplatform.widget.WaitingDialog
onBackPressed() - Method in class org.exoplatform.shareextension.ShareActivity
onBackPressed() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.DocumentActivity
onBackPressed() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.HomeActivity
onBackPressed() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.login.LoginActivity
onBackPressed() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.setting.SettingActivity
onBackPressed() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.ComposeMessageActivity
onBackPressed() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.SelectedImageActivity
onBackPressed() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.SocialTabsActivity
onBackPressed() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.WebViewActivity
onBackPressed() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.WelcomeActivity
onBackPressed() - Method in class org.exoplatform.widget.DocumentWaitingDialog
onBackPressed() - Method in class org.exoplatform.widget.PostWaitingDialog
onBackPressed() - Method in class org.exoplatform.widget.SocialWaitingDialog
onBackPressed() - Method in class org.exoplatform.widget.WaitingDialog
onBitmapFailed(Drawable) - Method in class org.exoplatform.utils.image.PicassoImageGetter.PicassoGetterTarget
onBitmapLoaded(Bitmap, Picasso.LoadedFrom) - Method in class org.exoplatform.utils.image.PicassoImageGetter.PicassoGetterTarget
onCanceled() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.login.LoginProxy
onCanceled() - Method in interface org.exoplatform.ui.login.tasks.LoginTask.AsyncTaskListener
Called when the task is canceled.
onCancelled() - Method in class org.exoplatform.controller.dashboard.DashboardLoadTask
onCancelled() - Method in class org.exoplatform.controller.document.DocumentLoadTask
onCancelled(ArrayList<SocialActivityInfo>) - Method in class org.exoplatform.controller.home.SocialLoadTask
onCancelled(String[]) - Method in class org.exoplatform.controller.home.SocialServiceLoadTask
onCancelled() - Method in class org.exoplatform.controller.social.LikeLoadTask
onCancelled(Integer) - Method in class org.exoplatform.controller.social.SocialDetailLoadTask
onCancelled() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.login.tasks.LoginTask
onCancelLikeLoad() - Method in class org.exoplatform.controller.social.SocialDetailController
onCancelLoad() - Method in class org.exoplatform.controller.social.SocialDetailController
onCancelLoad() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.DashboardActivity
onCancelLoad() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.DocumentActivity
onCancelLoad() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.login.LoginProxy
onCancelLoad() - Method in class org.exoplatform.utils.CompatibleFileOpen
onCancelPostTask() - Method in class org.exoplatform.controller.social.ComposeMessageController
onChangeLanguage() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.login.AccountPanel
onChangeLanguage() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.login.LoginActivity
onChangeLanguage() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.ScreenSlidePageFragment
onCheckAccountExistsFinished(boolean) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.login.LoginProxy
onCheckAccountExistsFinished(boolean) - Method in interface org.exoplatform.ui.login.tasks.CheckAccountExistsTask.AsyncTaskListener
onCheckingTenantStatusFinished(int) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.login.LoginProxy
onCheckingTenantStatusFinished(int) - Method in interface org.exoplatform.ui.login.tasks.CheckingTenantStatusTask.AsyncTaskListener
onClick(View) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.login.AccountPanel
Listens for login click Forward click event to controller
onClick(View) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.login.LoginActivity
onClick(View) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.login.LoginWarningDialog
onClick(View) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.setting.CheckBox
onClick(View) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.setting.CheckBoxWithImage
Behavior is different with normal checkbox, once this view is checked click on it won't change it to unchecked
onClick(View) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.setting.SettingActivity
onClick(View) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.ComposeMessageActivity
onClick(View) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.SelectedImageActivity
onClick(View) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.SocialDetailActivity
onClick(View) - Method in class org.exoplatform.widget.AddPhotoDialog
onClick(View) - Method in class org.exoplatform.widget.CompatibleFileOpenDialog
onClick(View) - Method in class org.exoplatform.widget.ConnectionErrorDialog
onClick(View) - Method in class org.exoplatform.widget.ConnTimeOutDialog
onClick(View) - Method in class org.exoplatform.widget.DocumentExtendDialog
onClick(View) - Method in class org.exoplatform.widget.LogoutDialog
onClick(View) - Method in class org.exoplatform.widget.RemoveAttachedPhotoDialog
onClick(View) - Method in class org.exoplatform.widget.SocialDetailsWarningDialog
onClick(View) - Method in class org.exoplatform.widget.TextUrlSpan
onClick(View) - Method in class org.exoplatform.widget.UnreadableFileDialog
onClick(View) - Method in class org.exoplatform.widget.WarningDialog
onClickCheckBox(CheckBox, boolean) - Method in interface org.exoplatform.ui.setting.CheckBox.ViewListener
onClickCheckBox(CheckBox, boolean) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.setting.SettingActivity
onClickLikesFrame() - Method in class org.exoplatform.controller.social.SocialDetailController
onClickLogin(String, String) - Method in interface org.exoplatform.ui.login.AccountPanel.ViewListener
onClickLogin(String, String) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.login.LoginActivity
onClickLogIn() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.SignInActivity
onClickLogIn() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.SignInOnPremiseActivity
onClickOk(LoginWarningDialog) - Method in interface org.exoplatform.ui.login.LoginWarningDialog.ViewListener
onConfigurationChanged(Configuration) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.HomeActivity
onConfigurationChanged(Configuration) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.SelectedImageActivity
onCreate(Bundle) - Method in class org.exoplatform.accountswitcher.AccountSwitcherActivity
onCreate() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ExoApplication
onCreate(Bundle) - Method in class org.exoplatform.shareextension.ShareActivity
onCreate(Bundle) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.DashboardActivity
onCreate(Bundle) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.DocumentActivity
onCreate(Bundle) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.HomeActivity
onCreate(Bundle) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.LaunchActivity
onCreate(Bundle) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.login.LoginActivity
onCreate(Bundle) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.ScreenSlidePageFragment
onCreate(Bundle) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.setting.ServerEditionActivity
onCreate(Bundle) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.setting.SettingActivity
onCreate(Bundle) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.SignInActivity
onCreate(Bundle) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.SignInOnPremiseActivity
onCreate(Bundle) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.SignUpActivity
onCreate(Bundle) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.ActivityStreamFragment
onCreate(Bundle) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.AllUpdatesFragment
onCreate(Bundle) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.ComposeMessageActivity
onCreate(Bundle) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.LikeListActivity
onCreate(Bundle) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.MyConnectionsFragment
onCreate(Bundle) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.MySpacesFragment
onCreate(Bundle) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.MyStatusFragment
onCreate(Bundle) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.SelectedImageActivity
onCreate(Bundle) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.SocialDetailActivity
onCreate(Bundle) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.SocialTabsActivity
onCreate(Bundle) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.SpaceSelectorActivity
onCreate(Bundle) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.WebViewActivity
onCreate(Bundle) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.WelcomeActivity
onCreateLoader(int, Bundle) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.SpaceSelectorActivity
onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu) - Method in class org.exoplatform.shareextension.ShareActivity
onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.DashboardActivity
onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.DocumentActivity
onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.HomeActivity
onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.login.LoginActivity
onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.ComposeMessageActivity
onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.SocialDetailActivity
onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.SocialTabsActivity
onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.WebViewActivity
onCreateView(LayoutInflater, ViewGroup, Bundle) - Method in class org.exoplatform.accountswitcher.AccountSwitcherFragment
onCreateView(LayoutInflater, ViewGroup, Bundle) - Method in class org.exoplatform.accountswitcher.SignInFragment
onCreateView(LayoutInflater, ViewGroup, Bundle) - Method in class org.exoplatform.shareextension.AccountsFragment
onCreateView(LayoutInflater, ViewGroup, Bundle) - Method in class org.exoplatform.shareextension.ComposeFragment
onCreateView(LayoutInflater, ViewGroup, Bundle) - Method in class org.exoplatform.shareextension.SignInFragment
onCreateView(LayoutInflater, ViewGroup, Bundle) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.CreationAccountFragment
onCreateView(LayoutInflater, ViewGroup, Bundle) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.GreetingsFragment
onCreateView(LayoutInflater, ViewGroup, Bundle) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.ScreenSlidePageFragment
onCreateView(LayoutInflater, ViewGroup, Bundle) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.ActivityStreamFragment
onDashboardClick(View) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.HomeActivity
onDestroy() - Method in class org.exoplatform.shareextension.AccountsFragment
onDestroy() - Method in class org.exoplatform.shareextension.ShareActivity
onDestroy() - Method in class org.exoplatform.shareextension.SignInFragment
onDestroy() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.DocumentActivity
onDestroy() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.ActivityStreamFragment
onDestroy() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.AllUpdatesFragment
onDestroy() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.ComposeMessageActivity
onDestroy() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.MyConnectionsFragment
onDestroy() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.MySpacesFragment
onDestroy() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.MyStatusFragment
onDestroy() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.SocialDetailActivity
onDestroy() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.SocialTabsActivity
onDestroyView() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.ActivityStreamFragment
onDetachedFromWindow() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.TabPageIndicator
onDetachedFromWindow() - Method in class org.exoplatform.widget.PicassoTextView
onDetachedFromWindow() - Method in class org.exoplatform.widget.WaitingDialog
onDocumentClick(View) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.HomeActivity
onDraw(Canvas) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.CirclePageIndicator
onDraw(Canvas) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.LinePageIndicator
onDraw(Canvas) - Method in class org.exoplatform.widget.HomeLandscapeLayout
onDraw(Canvas) - Method in class org.exoplatform.widget.HomeLinearLayout
onDraw(Canvas) - Method in class org.exoplatform.widget.RectangleImageView
one - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
onError(String) - Method in interface org.exoplatform.shareextension.service.Action.ActionListener
onError(String) - Method in class org.exoplatform.shareextension.service.PostAction.PostActionListener
onFinishInflate() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.login.AccountPanel
onFinishInflate() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.login.ServerPanel
onFinishInflate() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.setting.CheckBox
onFinishInflate() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.setting.CheckBoxWithImage
onFinishInflate() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.setting.ServerList
onHandleIntent(Intent) - Method in class org.exoplatform.shareextension.service.ShareService
onItemClick(AdapterView<?>, View, int, long) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.login.ServerPanel
onItemClick(AdapterView<?>, View, int, long) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.SpaceSelectorActivity
Called when an item of the spaces list is tapped.
Results in a call to
onItemClick(AdapterView<?>, View, int, long) - Method in class org.exoplatform.widget.SectionListAdapter
onLikeLoad(String, int) - Method in class org.exoplatform.controller.social.SocialDetailController
onLikePress(int) - Method in class org.exoplatform.controller.social.SocialDetailController
ONLINE - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConnectionUtils
=== Tenant status ===
onListItemClick(ListView, View, int, long) - Method in class org.exoplatform.shareextension.AccountsFragment
onLoad(int, int) - Method in class org.exoplatform.controller.home.HomeController
Load a number of activities with specific type
onLoad(boolean, int) - Method in class org.exoplatform.controller.social.SocialDetailController
onLoad(MenuItem) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.DashboardActivity
onLoad() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.SocialDetailActivity
onLoaderReset(Loader<List<SocialSpaceInfo>>) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.SpaceSelectorActivity
onLoadFinished(Loader<List<SocialSpaceInfo>>, List<SocialSpaceInfo>) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.SpaceSelectorActivity
onLoadMore(int, int, int) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.ActivityStreamFragment
Load numberOfActivities (default 100) more activities from the end of the list.
onLoggingInFinished(int) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.login.LoginProxy
onLoggingInFinished(int) - Method in interface org.exoplatform.ui.login.tasks.LoginTask.AsyncTaskListener
Called when the task has finished to return the result.
onLoginFinished(boolean) - Method in class org.exoplatform.accountswitcher.AccountSwitcherProxy
onLoginFinished(boolean) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.LaunchActivity
onLoginFinished(boolean) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.login.LoginActivity
onLoginFinished(boolean) - Method in interface org.exoplatform.ui.login.LoginProxy.ProxyListener
Notify the caller when the proxy has finished
onLoginFinished(boolean) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.SignInActivity
onLoginFinished(boolean) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.SignInOnPremiseActivity
onMainButtonClicked(View) - Method in class org.exoplatform.shareextension.ShareActivity
onMeasure(int, int) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.CirclePageIndicator
onMeasure(int, int) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.LinePageIndicator
onMeasure(int, int) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.TabPageIndicator
onMissingPassword(ExoAccount) - Method in class org.exoplatform.accountswitcher.AccountSwitcherFragment
onMissingPassword(ExoAccount) - Method in interface org.exoplatform.accountswitcher.AccountSwitcherProxy.AccountSwitcherListener
Called when the switcher proxy detected that the password was missing for the account
onMissingPassword(ExoAccount) - Method in class org.exoplatform.accountswitcher.SignInFragment
onNewIntent(Intent) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.setting.SettingActivity
On returning from Server Edition Activity
onNewsClick(View) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.HomeActivity
onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.DashboardActivity
onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.DocumentActivity
onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.HomeActivity
onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.login.LoginActivity
onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.setting.SettingActivity
onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.ComposeMessageActivity
onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.SocialDetailActivity
onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.SocialTabsActivity
onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.SpaceSelectorActivity
onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.WebViewActivity
onPageScrolled(int, float, int) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.CirclePageIndicator
onPageScrolled(int, float, int) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.LinePageIndicator
onPageScrolled(int, float, int) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.TabPageIndicator
onPageScrollStateChanged(int) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.CirclePageIndicator
onPageScrollStateChanged(int) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.LinePageIndicator
onPageScrollStateChanged(int) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.TabPageIndicator
onPageSelected(int) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.CirclePageIndicator
onPageSelected(int) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.LinePageIndicator
onPageSelected(int) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.TabPageIndicator
onPause(BaseActivity) - Method in interface org.exoplatform.base.BaseActivity.ActivityLifecycleCallbacks
onPause(BaseActivity) - Method in class org.exoplatform.base.BaseActivity.BasicActivityLifecycleCallbacks
onPause() - Method in class org.exoplatform.base.BaseActivity
onPause() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.DashboardActivity
onPause() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.DocumentActivity
onPause() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.HomeActivity
onPause() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.login.LoginActivity
onPause() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.setting.SettingActivity
onPause() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.SocialTabsActivity
onPause() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.WebViewActivity
onPostExecute(Integer) - Method in class org.exoplatform.controller.dashboard.DashboardLoadTask
onPostExecute(Integer) - Method in class org.exoplatform.controller.document.DocumentLoadTask
onPostExecute(ArrayList<SocialActivityInfo>) - Method in class org.exoplatform.controller.home.SocialLoadTask
onPostExecute(String[]) - Method in class org.exoplatform.controller.home.SocialServiceLoadTask
onPostExecute(Integer) - Method in class org.exoplatform.controller.signup.SignUpController.SignUpTask
onPostExecute(LinkedList<SocialLikeInfo>) - Method in class org.exoplatform.controller.social.LikeLoadTask
onPostExecute(Integer) - Method in class org.exoplatform.controller.social.PostStatusTask
onPostExecute(Integer) - Method in class org.exoplatform.controller.social.SocialDetailLoadTask
onPostExecute(Boolean) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.login.tasks.CheckAccountExistsTask
onPostExecute(Integer) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.login.tasks.CheckingTenantStatusTask
onPostExecute(Integer) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.login.tasks.LoginTask
onPostExecute(Void) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.login.tasks.LogoutTask
onPostExecute(Integer) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.login.tasks.RequestTenantTask
onPreExecute() - Method in class org.exoplatform.controller.dashboard.DashboardLoadTask
onPreExecute() - Method in class org.exoplatform.controller.document.DocumentLoadTask
onPreExecute() - Method in class org.exoplatform.controller.home.SocialLoadTask
onPreExecute() - Method in class org.exoplatform.controller.home.SocialServiceLoadTask
onPreExecute() - Method in class org.exoplatform.controller.signup.SignUpController.SignUpTask
onPreExecute() - Method in class org.exoplatform.controller.social.LikeLoadTask
onPreExecute() - Method in class org.exoplatform.controller.social.PostStatusTask
onPreExecute() - Method in class org.exoplatform.controller.social.SocialDetailLoadTask
onPreExecute() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.login.tasks.LoginTask
onpremise - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.layout
OnPremise - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
On Premise On Premise On Premise On Premise On Premise On Premise
onpremise_1_txt - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
onpremise_2_txt - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
onpremise_label_height - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.dimen
onpremise_label_txt_padding_left - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.dimen
on premise on premise on premise
onpremise_layout - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
onpremise_login_btn - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
onpremise_login_txt - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
onpremise_login_txt_mTop - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.dimen
onpremise_pass_edit_txt - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
onpremise_url_edit_txt - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
onpremise_url_txt - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
onpremise_url_txt_mTop - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.dimen
onpremise_user_edit_txt - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
onPrepareLoad(int, boolean, int) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.ActivityStreamFragment
Interface for loading activities.
onPrepareLoad(Drawable) - Method in class org.exoplatform.utils.image.PicassoImageGetter.PicassoGetterTarget
onPrepareOptionsMenu(Menu) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.HomeActivity
onPrepareOptionsMenu(Menu) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.ComposeMessageActivity
onRequestingTenantFinished(int, String[]) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.login.LoginProxy
onRequestingTenantFinished(int, String[]) - Method in interface org.exoplatform.ui.login.tasks.RequestTenantTask.AsyncTaskListener
onRequestPermissionsResult(int, String[], int[]) - Method in class org.exoplatform.shareextension.ShareActivity
onRequestPermissionsResult(int, String[], int[]) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.DocumentActivity
onRequestPermissionsResult(int, String[], int[]) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.ComposeMessageActivity
onRequestPermissionsResult(int, String[], int[]) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.SelectedImageActivity
onRestoreInstanceState(Parcelable) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.CirclePageIndicator
onRestoreInstanceState(Parcelable) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.LinePageIndicator
onRestoreState(Bundle) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.login.AccountPanel
onResume(BaseActivity) - Method in interface org.exoplatform.base.BaseActivity.ActivityLifecycleCallbacks
onResume(BaseActivity) - Method in class org.exoplatform.base.BaseActivity.BasicActivityLifecycleCallbacks
onResume() - Method in class org.exoplatform.base.BaseActivity
onResume() - Method in class org.exoplatform.shareextension.AccountsFragment
onResume() - Method in class org.exoplatform.shareextension.ComposeFragment
onResume() - Method in class org.exoplatform.shareextension.SignInFragment
onResume() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.HomeActivity
onResume() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.login.LoginActivity
Any changes in state should be updated here
onResume() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.setting.SettingActivity
onResume() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.SignInActivity
onResume() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.SignInOnPremiseActivity
onResume() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.SocialTabsActivity
onResume() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.WelcomeActivity
onSaveInstanceState(Bundle) - Method in class org.exoplatform.accountswitcher.SignInFragment
onSaveInstanceState() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.CirclePageIndicator
onSaveInstanceState(Bundle) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.DashboardActivity
onSaveInstanceState(Bundle) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.DocumentActivity
onSaveInstanceState(Bundle) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.HomeActivity
onSaveInstanceState() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.LinePageIndicator
onSaveInstanceState(Bundle) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.login.LoginActivity
onSaveInstanceState(Bundle) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.ComposeMessageActivity
onSaveInstanceState(Bundle) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.SocialTabsActivity
onSaveInstanceState(Bundle) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.WebViewActivity
onSaveInstanceState(Bundle) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.WelcomeActivity
onSaveState(Bundle) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.login.AccountPanel
onScroll(AbsListView, int, int, int) - Method in class org.exoplatform.widget.SectionListView
onScrollStateChanged(AbsListView, int) - Method in class org.exoplatform.widget.SectionListView
onSelectAccount() - Method in class org.exoplatform.shareextension.ShareActivity
onSelectSpace() - Method in class org.exoplatform.shareextension.ShareActivity
onSendMessage(String, String, int) - Method in class org.exoplatform.controller.social.ComposeMessageController
onSizeChanged(int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.exoplatform.widget.CoverFlow
This is called during layout when the size of this view has changed.
onSuccess(String) - Method in interface org.exoplatform.shareextension.service.Action.ActionListener
onSuccess(String) - Method in class org.exoplatform.shareextension.service.PostAction.PostActionListener
onSwitchAccountFinished(boolean) - Method in class org.exoplatform.accountswitcher.AccountSwitcherFragment
onSwitchAccountFinished(boolean) - Method in interface org.exoplatform.accountswitcher.AccountSwitcherProxy.AccountSwitcherListener
Called when the switch operation is finished, successful or not.
onSwitchAccountFinished(boolean) - Method in class org.exoplatform.accountswitcher.SignInFragment
onTabReselected(int) - Method in interface org.exoplatform.ui.social.TabPageIndicator.OnTabReselectedListener
Callback when the selected tab has been reselected.
onTouchEvent(MotionEvent) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.CirclePageIndicator
onTouchEvent(MotionEvent) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.LinePageIndicator
onUpdateDomain(String) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.login.LoginProxy
onUpdateDomain(String) - Method in interface org.exoplatform.ui.login.tasks.LoginTask.AsyncTaskListener
Called when the original domain was redirected to a new one.
OPEN_POWERPOINT_TYPE - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoDocumentUtils
OPEN_WORD_TYPE - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoDocumentUtils
OPEN_XLS_TYPE - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoDocumentUtils
openFragment(Fragment, String, ShareActivity.Anim) - Method in class org.exoplatform.shareextension.ShareActivity
Util method to switch from one fragment to another, with an animation
OpenIn - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
openSpaceSelectionActivity(View) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.ComposeMessageActivity
OptionalHint - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
Server edition Server edition Server edition Server edition Server edition Server edition
optionsettingsbutton - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
Or - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
ORDERED - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.Base64
Encode using the special "ordered" dialect of Base64 described here: http://www.faqs.org/qa/rfcc-1940.html.
org.exoplatform - package org.exoplatform
org.exoplatform.accountswitcher - package org.exoplatform.accountswitcher
org.exoplatform.base - package org.exoplatform.base
org.exoplatform.controller.dashboard - package org.exoplatform.controller.dashboard
org.exoplatform.controller.document - package org.exoplatform.controller.document
org.exoplatform.controller.home - package org.exoplatform.controller.home
org.exoplatform.controller.login - package org.exoplatform.controller.login
org.exoplatform.controller.signup - package org.exoplatform.controller.signup
org.exoplatform.controller.social - package org.exoplatform.controller.social
org.exoplatform.model - package org.exoplatform.model
org.exoplatform.shareextension - package org.exoplatform.shareextension
org.exoplatform.shareextension.service - package org.exoplatform.shareextension.service
org.exoplatform.singleton - package org.exoplatform.singleton
org.exoplatform.ui - package org.exoplatform.ui
org.exoplatform.ui.login - package org.exoplatform.ui.login
org.exoplatform.ui.login.tasks - package org.exoplatform.ui.login.tasks
org.exoplatform.ui.setting - package org.exoplatform.ui.setting
org.exoplatform.ui.social - package org.exoplatform.ui.social
org.exoplatform.utils - package org.exoplatform.utils
org.exoplatform.utils.image - package org.exoplatform.utils.image
org.exoplatform.widget - package org.exoplatform.widget
orientationAngle - Variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoDocumentUtils.DocumentInfo
OverFlowButton - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.style
ownerAccount - Variable in class org.exoplatform.model.SocialPostInfo


pageColor - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.attr
Color of the filled circles that represents pages.
PageIndicator - Interface in org.exoplatform.ui.social
A PageIndicator is responsible to show an visual indicator on the total views number and the current visible view.
pager - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
PANEL_MODE - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.ui.login.LoginActivity
=== Constants ===
password - Variable in class org.exoplatform.model.ExoAccount
unencrypted password
PASSWORD - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.ui.login.AccountPanel
PASSWORD - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.ui.login.LoginProxy
PasswordCellTitle - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
PasswordHint - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
Paste - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
pasteFile(ExoFile, String, int) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.DocumentActivity
path - Variable in class org.exoplatform.model.ExoFile
File's JCR URL
PDF_TYPE - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoDocumentUtils
PeopleLikedThis - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
PeoplesLikedThis - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
performLogin() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.login.LoginProxy
Actual logic of login
PermissionStorageDeniedToast - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
PermissionStorageRationale - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
Permission Requests
persistServerSetting(Context) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.SettingUtils
Utility to persist server configuration after adding new server to server list Only saves domain index to shared pref
Personal - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
PERSONAL_TYPE - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.ui.setting.SettingActivity
Settings in online (logged in) mode
PHOTO_ALBUM_IMAGE_TYPE - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConstants
PhotoLibrary - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
PhotoUtils - Class in org.exoplatform.utils
PhotoUtils() - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.utils.PhotoUtils
picasso(Context) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.image.ExoPicasso
Creates a Picasso instance that uses a ExoPicassoDownloader
PicassoImageGetter - Class in org.exoplatform.utils.image
Created by The eXo Platform SAS
PicassoImageGetter(TextView) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.utils.image.PicassoImageGetter
PicassoImageGetter.DrawablePlaceHolder - Class in org.exoplatform.utils.image
PicassoImageGetter.DrawablePlaceHolder() - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.utils.image.PicassoImageGetter.DrawablePlaceHolder
PicassoImageGetter.PicassoGetterTarget - Class in org.exoplatform.utils.image
PicassoImageGetter.PicassoGetterTarget(TextView, PicassoImageGetter.DrawablePlaceHolder) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.utils.image.PicassoImageGetter.PicassoGetterTarget
PicassoTextView - Class in org.exoplatform.widget
Created by The eXo Platform SAS for use as target to load bitmap by Picasso lib, auto cancel request when detached
PicassoTextView(Context, AttributeSet, int) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.widget.PicassoTextView
PicassoTextView(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.widget.PicassoTextView
PicassoTextView(Context) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.widget.PicassoTextView
pickPhotoForActivity(Activity) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.PhotoUtils
Send a pick photo intent on behalf of the given activity.
The result is passed to the calling activity via onActivityResult with the requestCode ExoConstants.REQUEST_ADD_PHOTO.
PLATFORM_CURRENT_REPO_NAME - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConstants
PLATFORM_DEFAULT_WORKSPACE - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConstants
PLATFORM_EDITION - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConstants
PLATFORM_VERSION - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConstants
PortugueseBrazil - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
post_destination_image - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
post_destination_text_view - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
POST_INFO - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.shareextension.service.ShareService
post_to_text_view - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
PostAction - Class in org.exoplatform.shareextension.service
Created by The eXo Platform SAS
An Action for posting an activity on Platform.
PostAction() - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.shareextension.service.PostAction
PostAction.PostActionListener - Class in org.exoplatform.shareextension.service
PostAction.PostActionListener() - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.shareextension.service.PostAction.PostActionListener
postAttachedFiles - Variable in class org.exoplatform.model.SocialPostInfo
PostError - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
postInfo - Variable in class org.exoplatform.shareextension.service.Action
postMessage - Variable in class org.exoplatform.model.SocialPostInfo
PostStatusTask - Class in org.exoplatform.controller.social
A background task that publishes a status with optional attachment.
PostStatusTask(Context, String, String, ComposeMessageController, PostWaitingDialog) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.controller.social.PostStatusTask
PostTo - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
PostWaitingDialog - Class in org.exoplatform.widget
PostWaitingDialog(Context, ComposeMessageController, String, String) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.widget.PostWaitingDialog
POWERPOINT_TYPE - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoDocumentUtils
println(int, String, String) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.Log
processImage(Bitmap) - Method in class org.exoplatform.controller.dashboard.DashboardItemAdapter
Public - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
put(String, Bitmap) - Method in class org.exoplatform.utils.image.MemoryCache
putFileToServerFromLocal(String, File, String) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoDocumentUtils


R - Class in org.exoplatform
R() - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.R
R.anim - Class in org.exoplatform
R.anim() - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.R.anim
R.array - Class in org.exoplatform
R.array() - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.R.array
R.attr - Class in org.exoplatform
R.attr() - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.R.attr
R.bool - Class in org.exoplatform
R.bool() - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.R.bool
R.color - Class in org.exoplatform
R.color() - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.R.color
R.dimen - Class in org.exoplatform
R.dimen() - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.R.dimen
R.drawable - Class in org.exoplatform
R.drawable() - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
R.id - Class in org.exoplatform
R.id() - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.R.id
R.integer - Class in org.exoplatform
R.integer() - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.R.integer
R.layout - Class in org.exoplatform
R.layout() - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.R.layout
R.menu - Class in org.exoplatform
R.menu() - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.R.menu
R.string - Class in org.exoplatform
R.string() - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.R.string
R.style - Class in org.exoplatform
R.style() - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.R.style
R.styleable - Class in org.exoplatform
R.styleable() - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.R.styleable
R.xml - Class in org.exoplatform
R.xml() - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.R.xml
radius - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.attr
Radius of the circles.
read() - Method in class org.exoplatform.utils.Base64.InputStream
Reads enough of the input stream to convert to/from Base64 and returns the next byte.
read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class org.exoplatform.utils.Base64.InputStream
Calls Base64.InputStream.read() repeatedly until the end of stream is reached or len bytes are read.
readFromParcel(Parcel) - Method in class org.exoplatform.model.SocialPostInfo
readFromParcel(Parcel) - Method in class org.exoplatform.model.SocialSpaceInfo
readFromParcel(Parcel) - Method in class org.exoplatform.singleton.AccountSetting
readFromParcel(Parcel) - Method in class org.exoplatform.singleton.SocialDetailHelper
rect_rounded_corner - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
RectangleImageView - Class in org.exoplatform.widget
This image view for attached image in compose message activity
RectangleImageView(Context, AttributeSet, int) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.widget.RectangleImageView
RectangleImageView(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.widget.RectangleImageView
RectangleImageView(Context) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.widget.RectangleImageView
redirect() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.LaunchActivity
redirectToHomeScreenAndFinish() - Method in class org.exoplatform.accountswitcher.AccountSwitcherActivity
Redirect to the HomeActivity (Home screen)
RedirectToLogin - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
Launch Launch Launch Launch Launch Launch
redirectToLogIn(View) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.WelcomeActivity
redirectToLoginScreenAndFinish() - Method in class org.exoplatform.accountswitcher.AccountSwitcherActivity
Redirect to the LoginActivity (Authenticate screen)
redirectToSignIn(View) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.WelcomeActivity
redirectToSignUp(View) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.WelcomeActivity
RefreshTitle - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
registerDataSetObserver(DataSetObserver) - Method in class org.exoplatform.widget.SectionListAdapter
RelativeLayout_Activity_Streams - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
RelativeLayout_ButtonPanel - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
relativeLayout_Content - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
RelativeLayout_Language - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
RelativeLayout_TextfieldPanel - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
RememberMe - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
Setting Setting Setting Setting Setting Setting
Remove - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
remove_photo_dialog_layout - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.layout
remove_photo_dialog_title_view - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
remove_photo_remove_button - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
RemoveAttachedPhotoDialog - Class in org.exoplatform.widget
RemoveAttachedPhotoDialog(Context) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.widget.RemoveAttachedPhotoDialog
removeImageFromMessage() - Static method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.ComposeMessageActivity
removeLifeCycleObserver(BaseActivity.BasicActivityLifecycleCallbacks) - Method in class org.exoplatform.base.BaseActivity
Rename - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
renameFile(ExoFile, String) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.DocumentActivity
renameFolder(String, String) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoDocumentUtils
replaceSectionViewsInMaps(String, View) - Method in class org.exoplatform.widget.SectionListAdapter
repopulateServerList() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.login.ServerPanel
repository - Variable in class org.exoplatform.shareextension.service.ShareService.UploadInfo
repository - Variable in class org.exoplatform.singleton.DocumentHelper
REQUEST_PICK_IMAGE_FROM_GALLERY - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConstants
REQUEST_TAKE_PICTURE_WITH_CAMERA - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConstants
requestAccountExistsForUser(String, String) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConnectionUtils
Requesting if username exists within a cloud server
requestCreatingMarketo(String) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConnectionUtils
Create marketo lead
requestTenantForEmail(String) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConnectionUtils
Request tenant and username for an email
requestTenantStatus(String) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConnectionUtils
Check status of tenant
RequestTenantTask - Class in org.exoplatform.ui.login.tasks
Request tenant for a given email address
RequestTenantTask() - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.ui.login.tasks.RequestTenantTask
RequestTenantTask.AsyncTaskListener - Interface in org.exoplatform.ui.login.tasks
RequiredHint - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
resizeImage(Bitmap, int) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.PhotoUtils
resizeImageBitmap(Context, Bitmap) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.PhotoUtils
restActivityStream - Variable in class org.exoplatform.model.SocialActivityInfo
resumeEncoding() - Method in class org.exoplatform.utils.Base64.OutputStream
Resumes encoding of the stream.
reziseFileImage(File) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.PhotoUtils
ROBOTO_BLACK - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.AssetUtils
ROBOTO_BOLD - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.AssetUtils
ROBOTO_MEDIUM - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.AssetUtils
ROBOTO_REGULAR - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.AssetUtils
rotateBitmapByAngle(Bitmap, int) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoDocumentUtils
Rotate the bitmap by a certain angle.
rotateBitmapToNormal(String, Bitmap) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoDocumentUtils
Rotate the bitmap at its correct orientation
ROTATION_0 - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoDocumentUtils
ROTATION_180 - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoDocumentUtils
ROTATION_270 - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoDocumentUtils
ROTATION_90 - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoDocumentUtils
RoundedCornersTranformer - Class in org.exoplatform.utils.image
Created by The eXo Platform SAS May 14, 2015
RoundedCornersTranformer(Context) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.utils.image.RoundedCornersTranformer


ScreenSlidePageFragment - Class in org.exoplatform.ui
ScreenSlidePageFragment() - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.ui.ScreenSlidePageFragment
sectionAdapter - Variable in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.ActivityStreamFragment
sectionClicked(String) - Method in class org.exoplatform.widget.SectionListAdapter
SectionListAdapter - Class in org.exoplatform.widget
Adapter for sections.
SectionListAdapter(Context, LayoutInflater, ListAdapter) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.widget.SectionListAdapter
SectionListView - Class in org.exoplatform.widget
View displaying the list with sectioned header.
SectionListView(Context, AttributeSet, int) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.widget.SectionListView
SectionListView(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.widget.SectionListView
SectionListView(Context) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.widget.SectionListView
selected - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
SELECTED_IMAGE_EXTRA - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConstants
SELECTED_IMAGE_MODE - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConstants
SELECTED_SPACE - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.SpaceSelectorActivity
selectedBold - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.attr
Whether or not the selected item is displayed as bold.
selectedColor - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.attr
Must be a color value, in the form of "#rgb", "#argb", "#rrggbb", or "#aarrggbb".
SelectedImageActivity - Class in org.exoplatform.ui.social
SelectedImageActivity() - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.ui.social.SelectedImageActivity
SelectedPhoto - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
selectPublicDestination(View) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.SpaceSelectorActivity
Called when the "Public" item is tapped.
Results in a call to
Send - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
send_button_background_shape - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
SendingData - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
sendRequest(HttpResponse) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConnectionUtils
sendRequestAndReturnString(HttpResponse) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConnectionUtils
sendRequestWithoutAuthen(HttpResponse) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConnectionUtils
separator_dark - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
separator_light - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
separator_line - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.layout
Server - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
server_edition - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.layout
SERVER_IDX - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.ui.setting.ServerEditionActivity
Server_Information_Section - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
server_list_item - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.layout
server_list_item_for_setting - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.layout
server_list_item_wrap - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
Server_List_Section - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
SERVER_PANEL - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.ui.login.LoginActivity
server_setting_delete_btn - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
SERVER_SETTING_HELPER - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConstants
server_setting_ok_btn - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
server_setting_pass_edit_txt - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
server_setting_pass_txt - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
server_setting_server_name_edit_txt - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
server_setting_server_name_txt - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
server_setting_server_url_edit_txt - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
server_setting_server_url_txt - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
server_setting_user_edit_txt - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
server_setting_user_txt - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
ServerAdapter - Class in org.exoplatform.controller.login
Adapter for server list view
ServerAdapter(Context) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.controller.login.ServerAdapter
serveraddbuttonpanelbackground - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
serveraddingbackgroundtextfieldspanel - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
ServerConfigurationUtils - Class in org.exoplatform.utils
Help to deal with writing and reading from xml config file
ServerConfigurationUtils(Context) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.utils.ServerConfigurationUtils
ServerDeleted - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
ServerDetail - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
ServerEdition - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
ServerEditionActivity - Class in org.exoplatform.ui.setting
This screen is used to delete or modify an existing account
ServerEditionActivity() - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.ui.setting.ServerEditionActivity
ServerInfo - Class in org.exoplatform.model
ServerInfo() - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.model.ServerInfo
ServerItemLayout - Class in org.exoplatform.widget
ServerItemLayout(Context) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.widget.ServerItemLayout
ServerList - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
ServerList - Class in org.exoplatform.ui.setting
Server list used in setting screen
ServerList(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.ui.setting.ServerList
ServerList(Context) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.ui.setting.ServerList
ServerName - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
serverName - Variable in class org.exoplatform.widget.ServerItemLayout
ServerNotAvailable - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
ServerPanel - Class in org.exoplatform.ui.login
Represents the server panel in login screen contains a list of server
ServerPanel(Context) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.ui.login.ServerPanel
ServerPanel(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.ui.login.ServerPanel
ServerResuming - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
serversectionseparator - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
ServerSettingEditTextStyle - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.style
ServerSettingHelper - Class in org.exoplatform.singleton
Used for storing the list of server url and the index of the selected which is used for adding/repairing/deleting function in setting
ServerSettingTableFirstRowStyle - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.style
ServerSettingTableRowStyle - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.style
ServerSettingTableStyle - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.style
Server setting: table style
ServerSettingTextViewStyle - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.style
ServerSettingTitleTextStyle - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.style
ServerUpdated - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
serverUrl - Variable in class org.exoplatform.model.ExoAccount
url of server, contains the protocol (http:// )
ServerUrl - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
serverUrl - Variable in class org.exoplatform.widget.ServerItemLayout
ServerVersion - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
SERVICE_BASE_URL - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConnectionUtils
eXo cloud base service url
setAccountList(List<ExoAccount>) - Method in class org.exoplatform.shareextension.AccountsFragment
setActivityId(String) - Method in class org.exoplatform.model.SocialActivityInfo
setActivityId(String) - Method in class org.exoplatform.singleton.SocialDetailHelper
setActivityList(ArrayList<SocialActivityInfo>) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.ActivityStreamFragment
Sets the current stream's activity list.
setActivityList(ArrayList<SocialActivityInfo>) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.AllUpdatesFragment
setActivityList(ArrayList<SocialActivityInfo>) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.MyConnectionsFragment
setActivityList(ArrayList<SocialActivityInfo>) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.MySpacesFragment
setActivityList(ArrayList<SocialActivityInfo>) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.MyStatusFragment
setAdapter(ArrayList<GadgetInfo>) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.DashboardActivity
setAdapter(ListAdapter) - Method in class org.exoplatform.widget.SectionListView
setAlbumsName(String) - Method in class org.exoplatform.model.SocialPhotoInfo
setApplicationVersion(String) - Method in class org.exoplatform.singleton.ServerSettingHelper
setAppVersion(Context) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.LaunchUtils
Provide app version for setting
setAttachedImageUrl(String) - Method in class org.exoplatform.model.SocialActivityInfo
setAttachedImageUrl(String) - Method in class org.exoplatform.singleton.SocialDetailHelper
setAuthInfo(String) - Method in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoWebAddress
setBody(String) - Method in class org.exoplatform.model.SocialActivityInfo
setButtonText(String) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.login.LoginWarningDialog
setCalendarContent(TextView, SocialActivityInfo, Resources) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.SocialActivityUtil
setCentered(boolean) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.CirclePageIndicator
setCentered(boolean) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.LinePageIndicator
setCheckBoxImage(int, int) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.setting.CheckBox
setChecked(boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.setting.CheckBox
setCommentId(String) - Method in class org.exoplatform.model.SocialCommentInfo
setCommentList(List<RestComment>) - Method in class org.exoplatform.model.SocialActivityInfo
setCommentName(String) - Method in class org.exoplatform.model.SocialCommentInfo
setCommentNumber(int) - Method in class org.exoplatform.model.SocialActivityInfo
setCommentTitle(String) - Method in class org.exoplatform.model.SocialCommentInfo
setComponentInfo(SocialActivityInfo) - Method in class org.exoplatform.controller.social.SocialDetailController
setContext(Context) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.AssetUtils
setCookieStore(CookieStore, ArrayList<String>) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConnectionUtils
setCurrentAccount(ExoAccount) - Method in class org.exoplatform.singleton.AccountSetting
setCurrentItem(int) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.CirclePageIndicator
setCurrentItem(int) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.LinePageIndicator
setCurrentItem(int) - Method in interface org.exoplatform.ui.social.PageIndicator
Set the current page of both the ViewPager and indicator.
setCurrentItem(int) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.TabPageIndicator
setDefaultLanguage(Context) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.SettingUtils
setDefaultServer(boolean) - Method in class org.exoplatform.model.ServerInfo
setDocumentActionAdapter() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.DocumentActionDialog
setDomainIndex(String) - Method in class org.exoplatform.singleton.AccountSetting
setDrawable(Drawable) - Method in class org.exoplatform.utils.image.PicassoImageGetter.DrawablePlaceHolder
setEmptyView(int) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.DashboardActivity
setEmptyView(int) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.SocialDetailActivity
setFillColor(int) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.CirclePageIndicator
setGadgetUrl(String) - Method in class org.exoplatform.model.GadgetInfo
setGapWidth(float) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.LinePageIndicator
setHeadImage(int) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.setting.CheckBoxWithImage
setHost(String) - Method in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoWebAddress
setImageList(ArrayList<String>) - Method in class org.exoplatform.model.SocialPhotoInfo
setImageType(int, ImageView) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.SocialActivityUtil
setImageUrl(String) - Method in class org.exoplatform.model.SocialActivityInfo
setImageUrl(String) - Method in class org.exoplatform.model.SocialCommentInfo
setInstance(AccountSetting) - Method in class org.exoplatform.singleton.AccountSetting
setInstance(DocumentHelper) - Method in class org.exoplatform.singleton.DocumentHelper
setInstance(ServerSettingHelper) - Method in class org.exoplatform.singleton.ServerSettingHelper
setJavascript(boolean) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.WebViewActivity
setLiked(boolean) - Method in class org.exoplatform.singleton.SocialDetailHelper
setLikedInfo(LinkedList<SocialLikeInfo>) - Method in class org.exoplatform.controller.social.SocialDetailController
setLikedState() - Method in class org.exoplatform.controller.social.SocialDetailController
setLikeID(String) - Method in class org.exoplatform.model.SocialLikeInfo
setLikeInfoText(LinkedList<SocialLikeInfo>) - Method in class org.exoplatform.controller.social.SocialDetailController
setLikelist(List<RestLike>) - Method in class org.exoplatform.model.SocialActivityInfo
setLikeName(String) - Method in class org.exoplatform.model.SocialLikeInfo
setLikeNumber(int) - Method in class org.exoplatform.model.SocialActivityInfo
setLineWidth(float) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.LinePageIndicator
setListAdapter(ArrayList<SocialActivityInfo>) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.ActivityStreamFragment
Set the array adapter with the content of the given list.
setListAdapter() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.AllUpdatesFragment
setListAdapter() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.MyConnectionsFragment
setListAdapter() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.MySpacesFragment
setListAdapter() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.MyStatusFragment
setListener(LoginProxy.ProxyListener) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.login.LoginProxy
setListener(CheckAccountExistsTask.AsyncTaskListener) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.login.tasks.CheckAccountExistsTask
setListener(CheckingTenantStatusTask.AsyncTaskListener) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.login.tasks.CheckingTenantStatusTask
setListener(LoginTask.AsyncTaskListener) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.login.tasks.LoginTask
setListener(RequestTenantTask.AsyncTaskListener) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.login.tasks.RequestTenantTask
setLoader(MenuItem) - Method in class org.exoplatform.controller.home.HomeController
setLoaderItem(MenuItem) - Method in class org.exoplatform.controller.dashboard.DashboardLoadTask
setLoaderItem(MenuItem) - Method in class org.exoplatform.controller.social.SocialDetailController
setLoading(boolean) - Method in class org.exoplatform.controller.social.SocialDetailController
setLoadingItem(MenuItem, boolean) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoUtils
setLocale(Context, String) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.SettingUtils
setMaxRotationAngle(int) - Method in class org.exoplatform.widget.CoverFlow
Set the max rotational angle of each image
setMaxZoom(int) - Method in class org.exoplatform.widget.CoverFlow
Set the max zoom of the centre image
setMessage(String) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.login.LoginWarningDialog
setMessage(String) - Method in class org.exoplatform.widget.WaitingDialog
setNumberOfAttachments(int) - Method in class org.exoplatform.shareextension.ComposeFragment
setOnItemClickListener(AdapterView.OnItemClickListener) - Method in class org.exoplatform.widget.SectionListAdapter
setOnPageChangeListener(ViewPager.OnPageChangeListener) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.CirclePageIndicator
setOnPageChangeListener(ViewPager.OnPageChangeListener) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.LinePageIndicator
setOnPageChangeListener(ViewPager.OnPageChangeListener) - Method in interface org.exoplatform.ui.social.PageIndicator
Set a page change listener which will receive forwarded events.
setOnPageChangeListener(ViewPager.OnPageChangeListener) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.TabPageIndicator
setOnTabReselectedListener(TabPageIndicator.OnTabReselectedListener) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.TabPageIndicator
setOpenFileType(String) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.CrashUtils
setOrientation(int) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.CirclePageIndicator
setPageColor(int) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.CirclePageIndicator
setParentFragment(ActivityStreamFragment) - Method in class org.exoplatform.widget.SectionListView
setPath(String) - Method in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoWebAddress
setPort(int) - Method in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoWebAddress
setPostDestination(SocialSpaceInfo) - Method in class org.exoplatform.controller.social.ComposeMessageController
Set this post's destination.
setPostedTime(long) - Method in class org.exoplatform.model.SocialActivityInfo
setPostedTime(long) - Method in class org.exoplatform.model.SocialCommentInfo
setPostMessage(String) - Method in class org.exoplatform.shareextension.ShareActivity
setProfileInfo(String[]) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.HomeActivity
setRadius(float) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.CirclePageIndicator
setRepositoryHomeUrl(String) - Method in class org.exoplatform.singleton.DocumentHelper
setRepositoryHomeUrl(String, String, String) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoDocumentUtils
setResizeInfo(int) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.CrashUtils
setResult(ArrayList<SocialActivityInfo>) - Method in class org.exoplatform.controller.home.SocialLoadTask
setResult(ArrayList<SocialActivityInfo>) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.AllUpdatesFragment.AllUpdateLoadTask
setResult(ArrayList<SocialActivityInfo>) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.MyConnectionsFragment.MyConnectionLoadTask
setResult(ArrayList<SocialActivityInfo>) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.MySpacesFragment.MySpacesLoadTask
setResult(ArrayList<SocialActivityInfo>) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.MyStatusFragment.MyStatusLoadTask
setScheme(String) - Method in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoWebAddress
setSectionText(String, View) - Method in class org.exoplatform.widget.SectionListAdapter
Writes section on the view sectionView.
setSelectedColor(int) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.LinePageIndicator
setSelectedFile(ExoFile) - Method in class org.exoplatform.controller.document.DocumentActionAdapter
setServerEdition(String) - Method in class org.exoplatform.singleton.ServerSettingHelper
setServerInfo(String, String) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.CrashUtils
setServerInfoList(ArrayList<ExoAccount>) - Method in class org.exoplatform.singleton.ServerSettingHelper
setServerList() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.setting.ServerList
Populate server list Run only in case of updating new list of server
setServerName(String) - Method in class org.exoplatform.model.ServerInfo
setServerUrl(String) - Method in class org.exoplatform.model.ServerInfo
setServerVersion(String) - Method in class org.exoplatform.singleton.ServerSettingHelper
setShrinkInfo(BitmapFactory.Options) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.CrashUtils
setSnap(boolean) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.CirclePageIndicator
setSocialInfo(ArrayList<SocialActivityInfo>) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.HomeActivity
setSpaceList(List<SocialSpaceInfo>) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.SpaceListAdapter
setSpaceSelectorLabel(String) - Method in class org.exoplatform.shareextension.ComposeFragment
setString(String, String) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.CrashUtils
setStrokeColor(int) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.CirclePageIndicator
setStrokeWidth(float) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.CirclePageIndicator
setStrokeWidth(float) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.LinePageIndicator
setText(String) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.setting.CheckBox
setTextLinkify(TextView) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.SocialActivityUtil
setThumbnailImage(Bitmap) - Method in class org.exoplatform.shareextension.ComposeFragment
setTileForDialog(String) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.DocumentActionDialog
setting_accounts_title - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
setting_app_info_title - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
setting_app_info_title_text - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
setting_app_info_value_text - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
setting_app_version_txt - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
setting_app_version_value_txt - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
setting_application_info_title - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
setting_autologin_check_img - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
setting_autologin_ckb - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
setting_autologin_txt - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
setting_autologin_view - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
setting_checkbox_item - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.layout
setting_checkbox_item_with_image - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.layout
setting_de_ckb - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
SETTING_DELETE - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.ui.setting.ServerEditionActivity
SETTING_DOCUMENT_SHOW_HIDDEN_FILE - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConstants
setting_document_title - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
setting_el_ckb - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
setting_en_ckb - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
setting_es_ckb - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
setting_exo_section - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
setting_exo_title_txt - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
setting_fr_ckb - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
setting_language_title - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
setting_layout - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
setting_list_accounts - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
setting_login_layout - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
setting_login_separator_bottom_img - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
setting_login_separator_img - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
setting_login_title_txt - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
setting_new_account_btn - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
SETTING_OPERATION - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.ui.setting.ServerEditionActivity
=== Constants ===
setting_private_drive_ckb - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
setting_pt_br_ckb - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
setting_remember_filter_ckb - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
setting_remember_me_check_img - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
setting_remember_me_ckb - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
setting_remember_me_txt - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
setting_remember_me_view - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
setting_server_edition - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
setting_server_edition_info_title_text - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
setting_server_edition_info_value_text - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
setting_server_edition_txt - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
setting_server_edition_value_txt - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
setting_server_info_title_text - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
setting_server_info_value_text - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
setting_server_list - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.layout
setting_server_version - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
setting_server_version_txt - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
setting_server_version_value_txt - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
SETTING_SOCIAL_FILTER - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConstants
SETTING_SOCIAL_FILTER_INDEX - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConstants
setting_social_title - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
setting_start_cloud_signup_btn - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
SETTING_TYPE - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConstants
SETTING_UPDATE - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.ui.setting.ServerEditionActivity
SettingActivity - Class in org.exoplatform.ui.setting
Represents the setting screen
Requires setting_type
SettingActivity() - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.ui.setting.SettingActivity
settingcellstreachablebackground - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
settingcellstreachablebackground_selected - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
settings - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.layout
Settings - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
settingslanguagebrazil - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
settingslanguageenglish - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
settingslanguagefrench - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
settingslanguagegerman - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
settingslanguagegreek - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
settingslanguagespain - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
SettingUtils - Class in org.exoplatform.utils
Created by The eXo Platform SAS Author : eXoPlatform exo@exoplatform.com Mar 2, 2012
SettingUtils() - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.utils.SettingUtils
setTitle(String) - Method in class org.exoplatform.model.SocialActivityInfo
setTitle(String) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.login.LoginWarningDialog
setTouchListener() - Method in class org.exoplatform.shareextension.ComposeFragment
setType(String) - Method in class org.exoplatform.model.SocialActivityInfo
setTypeFace(Typeface, ViewGroup) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.AssetUtils
Set typeface for a viewgroup
setTypeFace(Typeface, TextView) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.AssetUtils
Set typeface for a TextView
setUnselectedColor(int) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.LinePageIndicator
setUpdatedTime(long) - Method in class org.exoplatform.model.SocialActivityInfo
setUserAgent(HttpURLConnection) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConnectionUtils
setUserId(String) - Method in class org.exoplatform.model.SocialActivityInfo
setUserName(String) - Method in class org.exoplatform.model.SocialActivityInfo
setUsername(String) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.CrashUtils
setViewListener(AccountPanel.ViewListener) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.login.AccountPanel
setViewListener(LoginWarningDialog.ViewListener) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.login.LoginWarningDialog
setViewListener(CheckBox.ViewListener) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.setting.CheckBox
setViewPager(ViewPager) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.CirclePageIndicator
setViewPager(ViewPager, int) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.CirclePageIndicator
setViewPager(ViewPager) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.LinePageIndicator
setViewPager(ViewPager, int) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.LinePageIndicator
setViewPager(ViewPager) - Method in interface org.exoplatform.ui.social.PageIndicator
Bind the indicator to a ViewPager.
setViewPager(ViewPager, int) - Method in interface org.exoplatform.ui.social.PageIndicator
Bind the indicator to a ViewPager.
setViewPager(ViewPager) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.TabPageIndicator
setViewPager(ViewPager, int) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.TabPageIndicator
setViewValue(View, Object, String) - Method in class org.exoplatform.shareextension.AccountsFragment
setWindowsAnimation(int) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.login.LoginWarningDialog
ShadowTxtStyle - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.style
share - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.menu
share_account - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
share_account_item_icon - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
share_account_item_layout - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
share_account_item_name - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
share_account_item_server_url - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
share_account_item_username - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
share_account_wrapper - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
share_attachment_more - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
share_attachment_thumbnail - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
share_button - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
share_button_type_post - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.attr
Share Extension
share_button_type_signin - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.attr
share_button_wrapper - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
share_button_wrapper - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.layout
share_extension_account_item - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.layout
share_extension_accounts_fragment - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.layout
share_extension_activity - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.layout
share_extension_compose_fragment - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.layout
share_extension_fragment - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
SHARE_EXTENSION_MAX_ITEMS - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConstants
Maximum number of files that can be shared
SHARE_EXTENSION_MAX_SIZE_MB - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConstants
Maximum size in MB of each file to share
share_extension_sign_in_fragment - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.layout
share_post_message - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
share_progress_indicator - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
share_scroll_wrapper - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
share_signin_password - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
share_signin_username - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
share_space - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
share_space_wrapper - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
ShareActivity - Class in org.exoplatform.shareextension
Created by The eXo Platform SAS
ShareActivity() - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.shareextension.ShareActivity
ShareActivity.Anim - Enum in org.exoplatform.shareextension
Direction of the animation to switch from one fragment to another
ShareCannotPostBecauseOffline - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
ShareCannotSelectSpaceBecauseOffline - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
ShareDocumentText - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
ShareDocumentTitle - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
ShareErrorAllFilesCannotShare - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
ShareErrorCannotReadDoc - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
ShareErrorCommentFailed - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
ShareErrorDialogAppSettings - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
ShareErrorDialogLeave - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
ShareErrorFileTooBig - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
ShareErrorIncorrectAccount - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
ShareErrorNoAccountConfigured - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
ShareErrorPostFailed - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
ShareErrorSignInFailed - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
ShareErrorSomeFilesCannotShare - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
ShareErrorStoragePermissionDenied - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
ShareErrorTooManyFiles - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
ShareErrorUploadFailed - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
ShareErrorUploadFolderFailed - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
ShareMessageText - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
ShareMessageTitle - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
ShareOperationStarted - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
ShareOperationSuccess - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
ShareService - Class in org.exoplatform.shareextension.service
Created by The eXo Platform SAS.
IntentService that publishes a post with optional attachments.
ShareService() - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.shareextension.service.ShareService
ShareService.UploadInfo - Class in org.exoplatform.shareextension.service
ShareService.UploadInfo() - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.shareextension.service.ShareService.UploadInfo
ShareService.UploadInfo(ShareService.UploadInfo) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.shareextension.service.ShareService.UploadInfo
ShareTitle - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
Share Extension Share Extension Share Extension Share Extension Share Extension Share Extension
ShareWithWhom - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
shouldDisplayExplanation(Activity, int) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoDocumentUtils
Check whether the request for the specified permission should be explained to the user.
shouldSaveProfileInfo(String, String) - Method in class org.exoplatform.singleton.AccountSetting
show() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.login.LoginWarningDialog
SHOW_PROGRESS - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.ui.login.LoginProxy
showGadget(Context, GadgetInfo) - Method in class org.exoplatform.controller.dashboard.DashboardItemAdapter
ShowMore - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
showMoreBtn - Variable in class org.exoplatform.widget.SocialShowMoreItem
shrink_to_middle - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.anim
shrinkBitmap(String, int, int) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.PhotoUtils
SIGN_IN_FRAGMENT - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.shareextension.SignInFragment
signin - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.layout
signin_alert_txt - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
signin_connect_on_premises_btn - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
SIGNIN_CONNECTION_ERR - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConnectionUtils
signin_edit_txt_email - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
signin_edit_txt_pass - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
signin_email_txt - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
SIGNIN_INVALID - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConnectionUtils
signin_layout - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
signin_login_btn - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
signin_login_btn_width - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.dimen
sign in sign in sign in
SIGNIN_NO_ACCOUNT - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConnectionUtils
SIGNIN_NO_TENANT_FOR_EMAIL - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConnectionUtils
cloud can not find tenant for this email
SIGNIN_OK - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConnectionUtils
signin_or_txt - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
SIGNIN_SERVER_NAV - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConnectionUtils
SIGNIN_SERVER_ONLINE - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConnectionUtils
SIGNIN_SERVER_SUSPENDED - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConnectionUtils
SignInActivity - Class in org.exoplatform.ui
SignInActivity() - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.ui.SignInActivity
SignInButton - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
SignInButton_In - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
SignInFragment - Class in org.exoplatform.accountswitcher
Created by The eXo Platform SAS
SignInFragment() - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.accountswitcher.SignInFragment
SignInFragment(ExoAccount) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.accountswitcher.SignInFragment
SignInFragment - Class in org.exoplatform.shareextension
Created by The eXo Platform SAS
SignInFragment() - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.shareextension.SignInFragment
SigningIn - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
SigningUp - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
SignInInformation - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
SignInOnPremiseActivity - Class in org.exoplatform.ui
SignInOnPremiseActivity() - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.ui.SignInOnPremiseActivity
SignOutTitle - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
Action Bar Action Bar Action Bar Action Bar Action Bar Action Bar
signup - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.layout
SignUp - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
Welcome screen Welcome screen Welcome screen Welcome screen Welcome screen Welcome screen
SIGNUP_ACCOUNT_EXISTS - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConnectionUtils
an account already exists for this email
signup_alert_txt - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
signup_check_mail_txt - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
signup_create_acc_btn - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
signup_email_edit_txt - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
signup_email_txt - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
signup_frame_width - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.dimen
sign up form sign up form sign up form
signup_image_radius - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.dimen
SIGNUP_INVALID - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConnectionUtils
internal server problem, strange response status code
signup_layout - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
SIGNUP_MAX_USERS - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConnectionUtils
maximum number of users for the tenant has been reached
SIGNUP_OK - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConnectionUtils
signup_ok_img - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
SIGNUP_SERVER_NAV - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConnectionUtils
can not connect server, probably down or wrong address
signup_thanks_txt - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
SIGNUP_WRONG_DOMAIN - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConnectionUtils
domain for the email is invalid, such as gmail, yahoo ...
SignUpActivity - Class in org.exoplatform.ui
SignUpActivity() - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.ui.SignUpActivity
SignUpAlertTxtStyle - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.style
Signup: alert text
SignUpBlueBtnStyle - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.style
Signup: blue button
SignUpBlueHeaderStyle - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.style
Signup: blue header
SignUpController - Class in org.exoplatform.controller.signup
SignUpController(SignUpActivity, String) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.controller.signup.SignUpController
SignUpController.CreatingMarketoTask - Class in org.exoplatform.controller.signup
SignUpController.CreatingMarketoTask() - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.controller.signup.SignUpController.CreatingMarketoTask
SignUpController.SignUpTask - Class in org.exoplatform.controller.signup
SignUpController.SignUpTask() - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.controller.signup.SignUpController.SignUpTask
SignUpEditTxtStyle - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.style
Signup: edit text with background drawable
SignUpHeadingTxtStyle - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.style
Signup: heading text
SimpleCrypto - Class in org.exoplatform.utils
SimpleCrypto() - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.utils.SimpleCrypto
SkipStep - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
slide_activity_details - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
slide_activity_details_land - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
slide_activity_details_portrait - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
slide_activity_stream - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
slide_activity_stream_land - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
slide_activity_stream_portrait - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
slide_apps - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
slide_apps_land - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
slide_apps_portrait - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
slide_documents - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
slide_documents_land - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
slide_documents_portrait - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
slide_left - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.anim
SLIDER_BITMAPS - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.ui.ScreenSlidePageFragment
slider_img - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
SLIDER_IMGS - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.ui.ScreenSlidePageFragment
SLIDER_IMGS_LANDSCAPE - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.ui.ScreenSlidePageFragment
SLIDER_IMGS_PORTRAIT - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.ui.ScreenSlidePageFragment
slider_txt_description - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
SliderDesc1 - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
SliderDesc2 - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
SliderDesc3 - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
SliderDesc4 - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
snap - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.attr
Whether or not the selected indicator snaps to the circles.
social_activity_browse_header_highlighted_bg - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
social_activity_browse_header_normal_bg - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
social_activity_browser_comment_button_shape - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
social_activity_browser_like_button_shape - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
social_activity_detail_message_bg - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
social_activity_tabs - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.layout
social_all_updates_empty_stub - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
social_all_updates_empty_stub_inflted - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
social_all_updates_layout - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.layout
social_attached_image_border - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
social_attached_image_layout - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.layout
social_attached_image_view - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
social_avatar_size - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.dimen
social_buttons_min_height - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.dimen
social_detail_like_wrap - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
social_detail_wrap_layout - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
social_dislike_focus - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
social_dislike_nofocus - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
social_empty_stub - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
social_empty_stub_inflted - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
SOCIAL_FILE_CACHE - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConstants
social_liked_avatar_size - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.dimen
SOCIAL_LIKED_LIST_EXTRA - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConstants
social_liked_list_item_height - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.dimen
social_liked_list_item_width - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.dimen
SOCIAL_LINKFY_EXTRA - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConstants
social_my_connections_empty_stub - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
social_my_connections_empty_stub_inflted - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
social_my_connections_layout - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.layout
social_my_spaces_empty_stub - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
social_my_spaces_empty_stub_inflted - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
social_my_spaces_layout - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.layout
social_my_status_empty_stub - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
social_my_status_empty_stub_inflted - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
social_my_status_layout - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.layout
social_selected_image - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
social_selected_image_layout - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.layout
social_selected_image_ok_button - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
social_selected_image_remove_button - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
social_show_more_btn - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
social_show_more_layout - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.layout
SOCIAL_SPACE - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConstants
social_store_setting_checked - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
social_store_setting_content - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
social_store_setting_content_header - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
social_store_setting_layout - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
social_store_setting_title - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
social_store_setting_title_header - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
social_store_setting_title_layout - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
socialactivitybrowsercommentbutton - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
socialactivitybrowsercommentbuttonselected - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
socialactivitybrowserlikebutton - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
socialactivitybrowserlikebuttonselected - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
SocialActivityDetailsItem - Class in org.exoplatform.widget
Represents the layout for activity details
SocialActivityDetailsItem(Context, SocialActivityInfo, boolean) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.widget.SocialActivityDetailsItem
SocialActivityInfo - Class in org.exoplatform.model
SocialActivityInfo() - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.model.SocialActivityInfo
SocialActivityStreamItem - Class in org.exoplatform.ui.social
Represents activity item on activity stream
SocialActivityStreamItem(Context, StandardArrayAdapter.ViewHolder, SocialActivityInfo, boolean) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.ui.social.SocialActivityStreamItem
SocialActivityUtil - Class in org.exoplatform.utils
SocialActivityUtil() - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.utils.SocialActivityUtil
SocialCommentInfo - Class in org.exoplatform.model
SocialCommentInfo() - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.model.SocialCommentInfo
SocialDetailActivity - Class in org.exoplatform.ui.social
Screen for activity details
SocialDetailActivity() - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.ui.social.SocialDetailActivity
socialDetailActivity - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.SocialDetailActivity
SocialDetailController - Class in org.exoplatform.controller.social
SocialDetailController(Context, LinearLayout, LinearLayout, Button, LinearLayout, TextView) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.controller.social.SocialDetailController
SocialDetailHelper - Class in org.exoplatform.singleton
SocialDetailLoadTask - Class in org.exoplatform.controller.social
SocialDetailLoadTask(Context, SocialDetailController, int) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.controller.social.SocialDetailLoadTask
SocialDetailsWarningDialog - Class in org.exoplatform.widget
SocialDetailsWarningDialog(Context, String, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.widget.SocialDetailsWarningDialog
SocialHeaderLayout - Class in org.exoplatform.widget
SocialHeaderLayout(Context) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.widget.SocialHeaderLayout
SocialHomeTickerItem - Class in org.exoplatform.widget
Represents sliding Item on Home screen.
SocialHomeTickerItem(Context, SocialActivityInfo) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.widget.SocialHomeTickerItem
socialInfoList - Variable in class org.exoplatform.singleton.SocialServiceHelper
socialKey - Variable in class org.exoplatform.singleton.AccountSetting
socialKeyIndex - Variable in class org.exoplatform.singleton.AccountSetting
SocialLikeInfo - Class in org.exoplatform.model
SocialLikeInfo() - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.model.SocialLikeInfo
socialList - Variable in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.SocialTabsActivity
SocialLoadTask - Class in org.exoplatform.controller.home
The asynchronous task that loads activities from the Social REST service.
SocialLoadTask(Context, MenuItem) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.controller.home.SocialLoadTask
SocialPhotoInfo - Class in org.exoplatform.model
SocialPhotoInfo() - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.model.SocialPhotoInfo
SocialPostInfo - Class in org.exoplatform.model
Created by The eXo Platform SAS
SocialPostInfo() - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.model.SocialPostInfo
SocialServiceHelper - Class in org.exoplatform.singleton
SocialServiceLoadTask - Class in org.exoplatform.controller.home
Load and connect the app to the Social services and objects:
- Identity service
- Activity service
- User identity
- User profile
Initialize SocialServiceHelper with these objects.
SocialServiceLoadTask(Context, HomeController, MenuItem) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.controller.home.SocialServiceLoadTask
SocialSettingContent - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
SocialSettingTitle - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
SocialShowMoreItem - Class in org.exoplatform.widget
SocialShowMoreItem(Context) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.widget.SocialShowMoreItem
SocialSpaceInfo - Class in org.exoplatform.model
Created by The eXo Platform SAS
SocialSpaceInfo() - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.model.SocialSpaceInfo
SocialTabs - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.array
SocialTabsActivity - Class in org.exoplatform.ui.social
Created by The eXo Platform SAS Author : eXoPlatform exo@exoplatform.com Jul 23, 2012
SocialTabsActivity() - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.ui.social.SocialTabsActivity
SocialWaitingDialog - Class in org.exoplatform.widget
SocialWaitingDialog(Context, HomeController, String, String) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.widget.SocialWaitingDialog
SOCKET_OPERATION_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConnectionUtils
Space - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
SpaceListAdapter - Class in org.exoplatform.ui.social
Created by The eXo Platform SAS Author : Philippe Aristote paristote@exoplatform.com Apr 22, 2015
SpaceListAdapter(Context) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.ui.social.SpaceListAdapter
SpaceSelectorActivity - Class in org.exoplatform.ui.social
Created by The eXo Platform SAS
SpaceSelectorActivity() - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.ui.social.SpaceSelectorActivity
spaceService - Variable in class org.exoplatform.singleton.SocialServiceHelper
Spanish - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
SPANISH_LOCALIZATION - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConstants
SPECIAL_CHAR_NAME_SET - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConstants
SPECIAL_CHAR_URL_SET - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConstants
SpecialCharacters - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
sSliderImgs - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.ui.ScreenSlidePageFragment
default slider image use normal images
StandAloneGadgetInfo - Class in org.exoplatform.model
StandAloneGadgetInfo() - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.model.StandAloneGadgetInfo
StandAloneGadgetInfo(String, String) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.model.StandAloneGadgetInfo
StandardArrayAdapter - Class in org.exoplatform.widget
StandardArrayAdapter(Context, ArrayList<SocialActivityInfo>) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.widget.StandardArrayAdapter
StandardArrayAdapter.ViewHolder - Class in org.exoplatform.widget
StandardArrayAdapter.ViewHolder() - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.widget.StandardArrayAdapter.ViewHolder
StartCloudSignUpAssistant - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
startImageCapture(Activity) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.PhotoUtils
Take a photo and store it into /sdcard/eXo/DocumentCache
startScreen - Variable in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.SocialDetailActivity
status_circle - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
StatusUpdate - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
STOPPED - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConnectionUtils
stripUrl(String) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoUtils
Removes unnecessary parts of the given URL.
The returned URL has the format: http(s)://host(:port)
strokeColor - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.attr
Color of the open circles.
strokeWidth - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.attr
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp".
suspendEncoding() - Method in class org.exoplatform.utils.Base64.OutputStream
Suspends encoding of the stream.
SwipeToSee - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
SWITCH_ACCOUNT - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.ui.login.LoginProxy
switchToAccount(ExoAccount) - Method in class org.exoplatform.accountswitcher.AccountSwitcherProxy
Sign out the current account and sign in with the given account.
If the password is unknown, a dialog will open to let the user type it.


TabPageIndicator - Class in org.exoplatform.ui.social
This widget implements the dynamic action bar tab behavior that can change across different configurations or circumstances.
TabPageIndicator(Context) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.ui.social.TabPageIndicator
TabPageIndicator(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.ui.social.TabPageIndicator
TabPageIndicator.OnTabReselectedListener - Interface in org.exoplatform.ui.social
Interface for a callback when the selected tab has been reselected.
TAG - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.accountswitcher.AccountSwitcherFragment
TAG - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.accountswitcher.AccountSwitcherProxy
TAG - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.accountswitcher.SignInFragment
TakeAPhoto - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
takePicture() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.DocumentActivity
Take a photo and store it into /sdcard/eXo/DocumentCache
templateParams - Variable in class org.exoplatform.model.SocialActivityInfo
templateParams - Variable in class org.exoplatform.model.SocialPostInfo
TENANT - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConstants
TENANT_OK - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConnectionUtils
text_selector - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.color
text_size_large - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.dimen
text_size_medium - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.dimen
text_size_small - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.dimen
text_size_smaller - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.dimen
text_size_smallest - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.dimen
text size text size text size
text_size_xlarge - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.dimen
TEXT_TYPE - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoDocumentUtils
TextAppearance_TabPageIndicator - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.style
TextAppearanceLarge - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.style
textColor - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.attr
Must be a color value, in the form of "#rgb", "#argb", "#rrggbb", or "#aarrggbb".
textSize - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.attr
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp".
textStr - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.attr
Must be a string value, using '\\;' to escape characters such as '\\n' or '\\uxxxx' for a unicode character.
TextUrlSpan - Class in org.exoplatform.widget
TextUrlSpan(String) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.widget.TextUrlSpan
TextUrlSpan(Parcel) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.widget.TextUrlSpan
textView1 - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
textView2 - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
textview_activity_name_home - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.style
textview_activity_title_home - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.style
textview_content - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.style
TextView_EmptyPage - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
TextView_English - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
textView_file_name - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
TextView_French - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
textview_header - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.style
textview_home - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.style
TextView_Language - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
textview_like - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.style
textView_Like_Count - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
textView_Message - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
textView_Name - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
textview_name - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.style
textview_number - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.style
textView_Section_Title - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
TextView_Server_List - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
TextView_Server_Name - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
TextView_Server_URL - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
TextView_ServerName - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
textView_Tab_Title - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
textview_temp_message - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
textView_Time - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
textview_time - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.style
TextView_Title - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
TextView_URL - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
textViewCommnet - Variable in class org.exoplatform.widget.StandardArrayAdapter.ViewHolder
textViewMessage - Variable in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.SocialActivityStreamItem
textViewMessage - Variable in class org.exoplatform.widget.SocialActivityDetailsItem
textViewMessage - Variable in class org.exoplatform.widget.StandardArrayAdapter.ViewHolder
textViewName - Variable in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.SocialActivityStreamItem
textViewName - Variable in class org.exoplatform.widget.SocialActivityDetailsItem
textViewName - Variable in class org.exoplatform.widget.StandardArrayAdapter.ViewHolder
textViewTempMessage - Variable in class org.exoplatform.ui.social.SocialActivityStreamItem
textViewTempMessage - Variable in class org.exoplatform.widget.SocialActivityDetailsItem
textViewTempMessage - Variable in class org.exoplatform.widget.StandardArrayAdapter.ViewHolder
textViewTime - Variable in class org.exoplatform.widget.StandardArrayAdapter.ViewHolder
ThanksForInterest - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
Theme_eXo - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.style
Theme_eXo_Dialog - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.style
@null true true @android:color/transparent false @android:style/Animation.Translucent
Theme_eXoActionBar - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.style
Theme_eXoTransparentActionBar - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.style
Theme_OverlayActionBar - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.style
OVERLAY ACTION BAR Used on the LoginActivity to hide the action bar and display only the Settings menu item
Theme_PageIndicatorDefaults - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.style
thumbnail_radius - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.dimen
thumbnail_size - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.dimen
title_txt_size - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.dimen
setting setting
TitleExtractor - Class in org.exoplatform.utils
TitleExtractor() - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.utils.TitleExtractor
titlePadding - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.attr
Padding between titles when bumping into each other.
TitlePageIndicator - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.styleable
Attributes that can be used with a TitlePageIndicator.
TitlePageIndicator_android_textColor - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.styleable
TitlePageIndicator_android_textSize - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.styleable
TitlePageIndicator_clipPadding - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.styleable
TitlePageIndicator_footerColor - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.styleable
TitlePageIndicator_footerIndicatorHeight - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.styleable
TitlePageIndicator_footerIndicatorStyle - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.styleable
TitlePageIndicator_footerIndicatorUnderlinePadding - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.styleable
TitlePageIndicator_footerLineHeight - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.styleable
TitlePageIndicator_footerPadding - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.styleable
TitlePageIndicator_selectedBold - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.styleable
TitlePageIndicator_selectedColor - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.styleable
TitlePageIndicator_titlePadding - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.styleable
TitlePageIndicator_topPadding - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.styleable
TitleTextAppearance - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.style
titleView - Variable in class org.exoplatform.widget.SocialHeaderLayout
toByte(String) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.SimpleCrypto
Today - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
toggleMainButtonType(int) - Method in class org.exoplatform.shareextension.ShareActivity
toggleProgressVisible(boolean) - Method in class org.exoplatform.shareextension.ShareActivity
toHex(String) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.SimpleCrypto
toHex(byte[]) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.SimpleCrypto
topPadding - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.attr
Padding between titles and the top of the View.
toString() - Method in class org.exoplatform.model.ExoAccount
toString() - Method in class org.exoplatform.model.SocialSpaceInfo
toString() - Method in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoDocumentUtils.DocumentInfo
toString() - Method in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoWebAddress
transform(Bitmap) - Method in class org.exoplatform.utils.image.RoundedCornersTranformer
triangle - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
turnOff() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.login.AccountPanel
Make this panel invisible
turnOff() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.login.ServerPanel
turnOn() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.login.AccountPanel
Make this panel visible
turnOn() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.login.ServerPanel
two - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
twoOrMoreAccountsExist(Context) - Method in class org.exoplatform.singleton.ServerSettingHelper
Checks whether two or more accounts are configured on the app
TYPE_DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.model.SocialPostInfo
TYPE_DOC - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.model.SocialPostInfo
TYPE_LINK - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.model.SocialPostInfo
typeImageView - Variable in class org.exoplatform.widget.StandardArrayAdapter.ViewHolder


underline - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
UnderlinePageIndicator - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.styleable
Attributes that can be used with a UnderlinePageIndicator.
UnderlinePageIndicator_fadeDelay - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.styleable
UnderlinePageIndicator_fadeLength - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.styleable
UnderlinePageIndicator_fades - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.styleable
UnderlinePageIndicator_selectedColor - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.styleable
UNKNOWN - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConstants
UnreachableFile - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
UnreachableFileTitle - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
unreadable_file_size - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.dimen
UnreadableFileDialog - Class in org.exoplatform.widget
UnreadableFileDialog(Context, String) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.widget.UnreadableFileDialog
unregisterDataSetObserver(DataSetObserver) - Method in class org.exoplatform.widget.SectionListAdapter
unselectedColor - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.attr
Must be a color value, in the form of "#rgb", "#argb", "#rrggbb", or "#aarrggbb".
updateAccountInList(ExoAccount) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.setting.SettingActivity
updateContent(ExoFile) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.DocumentActivity
UpdatedAnEvent - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
UpdatedATask - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
updateServerList(int, int) - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.setting.ServerList
Simply update the newly changed server instead of the whole list of servers
UploadAction - Class in org.exoplatform.shareextension.service
Created by The eXo Platform SAS
An Action for uploading a file to Platform.
UploadAction() - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.shareextension.service.UploadAction
uploadFile() - Method in class org.exoplatform.ui.DocumentActivity
uploadId - Variable in class org.exoplatform.shareextension.service.ShareService.UploadInfo
URL_SAFE - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.Base64
Encode using Base64-like encoding that is URL- and Filename-safe as described in Section 4 of RFC3548: http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc3548.html.
URLOfTheSerVer - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
USER_AGENT_KEY - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConnectionUtils
USER_HOME_NODE_PATH - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConstants
userFullName - Variable in class org.exoplatform.model.ExoAccount
userIdentity - Variable in class org.exoplatform.singleton.SocialServiceHelper
userIsLoggedIn - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.ui.login.LoginProxy
username - Variable in class org.exoplatform.model.ExoAccount
USERNAME - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.ui.login.AccountPanel
=== Constants ===
USERNAME - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.ui.login.LoginProxy
USERNAME - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConstants
UserNameCellTitle - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
UserNameHint - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
userProfile - Variable in class org.exoplatform.singleton.SocialServiceHelper
Utils - Class in org.exoplatform.utils
Created by The eXo Platform SAS Author : MinhTDH MinhTDH@exoplatform.com Jul 31, 2015
Utils() - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.utils.Utils


v(String, String) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.Log
v(String, String, Throwable) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.Log
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.exoplatform.shareextension.ShareActivity.Anim
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.exoplatform.utils.CompatibleFileOpen.FileOpenRequestResult
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum org.exoplatform.shareextension.ShareActivity.Anim
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.exoplatform.utils.CompatibleFileOpen.FileOpenRequestResult
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
version - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ServerConfigurationUtils
VIDEO_TYPE - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoDocumentUtils
View_English - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
View_French - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
ViewPagerIndicator - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.styleable
Attributes that can be used with a ViewPagerIndicator.
ViewPagerIndicator_vpiCirclePageIndicatorStyle - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.styleable
ViewPagerIndicator_vpiLinePageIndicatorStyle - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.styleable
ViewPagerIndicator_vpiTabPageIndicatorStyle - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.styleable
ViewPagerIndicator_vpiTitlePageIndicatorStyle - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.styleable
ViewPagerIndicator_vpiUnderlinePageIndicatorStyle - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.styleable
vpi__background_holo_dark - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.color
vpi__background_holo_light - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.color
vpi__bright_foreground_disabled_holo_dark - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.color
vpi__bright_foreground_disabled_holo_light - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.color
vpi__bright_foreground_holo_dark - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.color
vpi__bright_foreground_holo_light - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.color
vpi__bright_foreground_inverse_holo_dark - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.color
vpi__bright_foreground_inverse_holo_light - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.color
vpi__dark_theme - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.color
vpi__light_theme - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.color
vpi__tab_indicator - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
vpi__tab_selected_focused_holo - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
vpi__tab_selected_holo - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
vpi__tab_selected_pressed_holo - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
vpi__tab_unselected_focused_holo - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
vpi__tab_unselected_holo - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
vpi__tab_unselected_pressed_holo - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
vpiCirclePageIndicatorStyle - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.attr
Style of the circle indicator.
vpiLinePageIndicatorStyle - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.attr
Style of the line indicator.
vpiTabPageIndicatorStyle - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.attr
Style of the tab indicator's tabs.
vpiTitlePageIndicatorStyle - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.attr
Style of the title indicator.
vpiUnderlinePageIndicatorStyle - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.attr
Style of the underline indicator.


w(String, Throwable) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.Log
w(String, String, Throwable) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.Log
w(String, String) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.Log
waiting_content - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
waiting_dialog_layout - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.layout
WaitingDialog - Class in org.exoplatform.widget
WaitingDialog(Context, String, String) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.widget.WaitingDialog
Warning - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
warning_content - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
warning_dialog_btn - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
warning_dialog_layout - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
warning_dialog_layout - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.layout
warning_dialog_message_txt - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
warning_dialog_title_txt - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
warning_dialog_title_view - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
warning_icon - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
warning_image - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
warning_ok_button - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
WarningDialog - Class in org.exoplatform.widget
WarningDialog(Context, String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.widget.WarningDialog
WarningServerAlreadyExists - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
WarningServerNameIsEmpty - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
WarningServerNameIsExist - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
WarningServerUrlIsExist - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
WEB_VIEW_ALLOW_JS - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConstants
WEB_VIEW_MIME_TYPE - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConstants
WEB_VIEW_TITLE - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConstants
WEB_VIEW_URL - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoConstants
WebdavMethod - Class in org.exoplatform.utils
Created by The eXo Platform SAS Author : eXoPlatform exo@exoplatform.com Aug 17, 2011
WebdavMethod(String, String) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.utils.WebdavMethod
WebdavMethod(String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.utils.WebdavMethod
WebView - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
webview - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.layout
webview - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.menu
WebViewActivity - Class in org.exoplatform.ui
WebViewActivity() - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.ui.WebViewActivity
welcome - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.layout
welcome_anytime_txt - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
welcome_anywhere_txt - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
welcome_bg_repeat - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.drawable
welcome_btn_height - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.dimen
welcome_btn_login - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
welcome_btn_pBottom - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.dimen
welcome_btn_signup - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
welcome_btn_width - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.dimen
welcome_button_section - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
welcome_exo_logo - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
welcome_layout - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
welcome_or_txt_width - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.dimen
welcome_separator_img - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
welcome_skip_txt_width - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.dimen
welcome welcome welcome
welcome_social_intranet_txt - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
welcome_swipe_txt - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
welcome_text_section - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
welcome_txt_or - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
welcome_txt_skipStep - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.id
WelcomeActivity - Class in org.exoplatform.ui
Welcome screen
Overall time: +925ms +692ms +845ms +1s35ms
WelcomeActivity() - Constructor for class org.exoplatform.ui.WelcomeActivity
WelcomeSloganTxtStyle - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.style
Welcome: slogan text Welcome: slogan text
Widget - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.style
Widget_TabPageIndicator - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.style
WITH_EMAIL - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.ui.login.LoginProxy
WITH_EXISTING_ACCOUNT - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.ui.login.LoginProxy
WITH_USERNAME - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.ui.login.LoginProxy
workspace - Variable in class org.exoplatform.shareextension.service.ShareService.UploadInfo
workspace - Variable in class org.exoplatform.singleton.DocumentHelper
workspaceName - Variable in class org.exoplatform.model.ExoFile
The workspace in which this file is
write(int) - Method in class org.exoplatform.utils.Base64.OutputStream
Writes the byte to the output stream after converting to/from Base64 notation.
write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class org.exoplatform.utils.Base64.OutputStream
Calls Base64.OutputStream.write(int) repeatedly until len bytes are written.
writeToParcel(Parcel, int) - Method in class org.exoplatform.model.ExoAccount
writeToParcel(Parcel, int) - Method in class org.exoplatform.model.ExoFile
writeToParcel(Parcel, int) - Method in class org.exoplatform.model.SocialLikeInfo
writeToParcel(Parcel, int) - Method in class org.exoplatform.model.SocialPostInfo
writeToParcel(Parcel, int) - Method in class org.exoplatform.model.SocialSpaceInfo
writeToParcel(Parcel, int) - Method in class org.exoplatform.singleton.AccountSetting
writeToParcel(Parcel, int) - Method in class org.exoplatform.singleton.DocumentHelper
writeToParcel(Parcel, int) - Method in class org.exoplatform.singleton.ServerSettingHelper
writeToParcel(Parcel, int) - Method in class org.exoplatform.singleton.SocialDetailHelper
writeToParcel(Parcel, int) - Method in class org.exoplatform.widget.TextUrlSpan
writeToParcelInternal(Parcel, int) - Method in class org.exoplatform.widget.TextUrlSpan
WRONG_CLOUD_URLS - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoUtils
WrongEmailDomain - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
wtf(String, String) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.Log
wtf(String, String, Throwable) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.Log
wtf(String, Throwable) - Static method in class org.exoplatform.utils.Log


XLS_TYPE - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.utils.ExoDocumentUtils


You - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
YourComment - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
YourCredentials - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
YourIntranetHint - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string
YourSocialIntranet - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.R.string


_badgeCount - Variable in class org.exoplatform.model.ExoAppItem
_documentActionAdapter - Variable in class org.exoplatform.ui.DocumentActionDialog
_documentActionDialog - Variable in class org.exoplatform.controller.document.DocumentAdapter
_documentActivityInstance - Static variable in class org.exoplatform.ui.DocumentActivity
_documentAdapter - Variable in class org.exoplatform.ui.DocumentActivity
_fileCopied - Variable in class org.exoplatform.singleton.DocumentHelper
_fileForCurrentActionBar - Variable in class org.exoplatform.ui.DocumentActivity
_fileMoved - Variable in class org.exoplatform.singleton.DocumentHelper
_icon - Variable in class org.exoplatform.model.ExoAppItem
_icon - Variable in class org.exoplatform.model.HomeItem
_index - Variable in class org.exoplatform.model.HomeItem
_listViewDocument - Variable in class org.exoplatform.ui.DocumentActivity
_name - Variable in class org.exoplatform.model.ExoAppItem
_name - Variable in class org.exoplatform.model.HomeItem
_sdcard_temp_dir - Variable in class org.exoplatform.ui.DocumentActivity
_selectedFile - Variable in class org.exoplatform.controller.document.DocumentActionAdapter
_streXoAppDescription - Variable in class org.exoplatform.model.ExoApp
_streXoAppName - Variable in class org.exoplatform.model.ExoApp
_strGadgetID - Variable in class org.exoplatform.model.StandAloneGadgetInfo
_urlContent - Variable in class org.exoplatform.model.StandAloneGadgetInfo
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